Thursday 15 November 2007

The Slavers - Richard Brinton Interview


The Slavers is out”!!!

On Wednesday 14th November, Host Coach Steve Toth of Real Coaching Radio interviewed Mr Richard Brinton about his book “The Slavers”. Myself, co-Host of the Mind, Body and Soul show, Drª Venerina Conti, was honoured to be present at the interview for two main reasons:

I am priviledged to be on the front cover of Richard’s book
Richard has been a wonderful friend of mine for a couple of years now.

A part from Richard Brinton giving us a sneak preview into his new book, “The Slavers”, the interview was an amazing hour long journey that unfolded the global history of slavery spanning roughly 6,000 years. From the Greeks to the Romans, from the Trans-Atlantic to nowadays, why was slavery so popular? What conditions did these people suffer? How did it affect whole civilizations?

Did you know that there is more white slavery going on in the world today than the Trans-Atlantic slave trade ever had even at the height of its peak?

Did you know that slavery is not a situation that is only related to African or black people?

Did you know that child slavery is still in existence nowadays?

How financially viable was slavery? And how is it so nowadays still?

Richard had listeners’ full attention as he shared his profound knowledge of this underlying theme in his new book. A theme that we should all pay attention to as it affects us directly. The way we live, the way we are towards others and the way we perceive our past could all be changed if we listen closely and dig a little deeper.

If you missed this amazing interview, look through the Real Coaching Radio widget and scroll down to “THE SLAVERS – Richard Brinton” and listen in. It’s a story as old as time and a lesson that we still have not learnt. Truly an interview not to be missed.

Friday 9 November 2007

Mind, Body & Soul - "I'm not good enough"

Thursday 8th November, Real Coaching Radio’s Host Coach Steve Toth and myself Co-Host, Holistic Psychologist, Dr. Venerina Conti brought to our listeners a topic that is at the heart of many people’s failures in life and that is the “I’m not good enough syndrome”.

Where does that syndrome come from? Are you willing to find out? Are you ready to face it and move on?

You do realize that the only person stopping you from becoming who you want to be and doing what you want to do in life is you, don’t you?

Are you one of the millions of people who think that they are not good enough just because you think you are not pretty enough or clever enough or thin enough or whatever fears, doubts and issues that may lay secretly in the back of your mind and ingrained in your soul?

Have you ever stopped to really think about whether these complexes are truly yours or whether they are just others’ opinions that you have come to accept as reality. Remember, the more someone says something to you, the more you think about it, the more you think about it, the more you believe it and soon, before you know it, you have acquired a new reality in your subconscious upon which you base your actions and create the world around you.

This is not who you are though. Who you are is a spiritual being with the same capacities as anyone else in the world. The only difference between you and a successful person is that the successful person acts upon his world and does not let the world just act upon him.

Forgive yourself your harsh judgments. Forgive others because perhaps they knew no better. Everyone creates their own reality based on their own circumstances and influences in life. There is no such thing as a perfect life. Everyone has baggage. The important thing is how you deal with the baggage that you are carrying.

If you cannot love yourself, forgive yourself and be at one with yourself, the chances are you will not succeed in having successful relationships with others. Look deep into the inner you and discover even the most painful of content. Let it rise to the surface, analyse it, cherish the lesson that may be contained within it and then let it go.

Create new realities for yourself based on what you love about you, the things you are best suited for and what your passions are in life. Give yourself all the validation you need to restore the belief that you can be and you will be. Once you restore this self-confidence you will find that the only limiting factor is your own imagination.

Listen in to our recorded show on Mind, Body and Soul and find out more about how you can learn to let go and forgive yourself and others.

Move forward and upward … the sky is the limit.


Dr. Venerina Conti & Coach Steve Toth – Available for Email or Live consultations
http://www.villavalview/ – Holistic Retreat

Thursday 8 November 2007

Congratulations Richard...

Hello friends and listeners of Real Coaching Radio,

For those of you who know me and have been following my posts lately, you will know that I am now collaborating with Real Coaching Radio and co-hosting the International Mind, Body & Soul show, along with Coach Steve Toth, that goes out live every Thursday at 3pm GMT, 9am MST.

Well, today I’m not here to talk to you about our mind, body and soul show, although I would like to remind everyone to tune in for today’s topic: “I’m not good enough”. The question is .... “Says who”?

Today I am posting because I am Honoured and Privileged to make a long awaited announcement.

Drum roll……….

One of my very dear friends, Mr Richard Brinton has launched his new book “The Slavers”, which is already taking the literary world by storm.

The Slavers is not for the faint of heart, for sure, but it fulfils the promise of an adventure that sails right into the heart of the reader. It will keep you wanting to find out more as the characters come alive and enact the scenes, in your mind, as if you were watching a movie.

It is this very individualised style of writing that makes Richard’s book “The Slavers” a book that you will not be able to put down. Love, intrigue, sensuality, exotic tones and capturing moments across high tides, that lead to foreign lands, is Richard’s own unique recipe for what is set to be the next best seller in 2008.

Want to find out more? Got any questions you would like to ask Richard?

Then come join us on a journey that takes us back in time the days of the slave trade and life as we will see it through the eyes of the author. Tune in to Real Coaching Radio on Wednesday 14th November at 3pm GMT, 8am MST, and listen to our exclusive interview with Richard Brinton himself.

..... And .... Real Coaching Radio and I will give a FREE copy of the first volume of Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" to each and every reader and/or listener who can tell us who is featured on the cover of Richard's book. So check it out, send me a note "here" and grab your copy while it's still FREE.

Remember, after the show, tune into Joe Buccheri and our partners at TGAMM FM.

Have a wonderful week!!!



Friday 2 November 2007

Mind, Body & Soul - "Being Awake"

Good Evening Readers & listeners,

The Trans-Atlantic Mind, Body & Soul show, on Thursday 31st October, at Real Coaching Radio, had as its central theme the topic of “Being Awake”.

The first question that Host Coach Steve Toth and myself Co-Host Drª Venerina Conti tried to address was: “Who are you”?

We are launching a challenge to you, our listeners. How many of you out there can actually answer the question: “Who are you”? … Are you how you identify yourself in your societal role? Are you who you envisage yourself to be as defined by others? Have you lost track of who you are?

Regardless of your answer, whoever you are is a very deep and personal matter but we all share one common trait, our souls derive from the same place … from the One and only Conscious Creative being.

Egdar Cayce believed that our soul’s purpose for being here, in the physical being, is to learn, grow and develop so it may earn it’s place next to the creature. We are all born with the same potential for being. We all have our innate connection to our spirit and that of the Universal Being.

Somehow though, we lose this sense of connection as we grow older due to whatever may influence us such as: educational systems, cultural integration, societal stereotyping and so forth. It takes for something drastic to happen in one’s life for the spiritual awakening to re-occur and for us to, once again, be in touch with our Inner Self and the Higher Being.

It all seems to be about extremes rather than integration. Some people experience the separate duality of spiritualism and the physical. Some people only experience either one or the other. For a person to be whole and complete it is necessary to find a means of integrating the two extremes in our modern world. This can be done by focusing ourselves and giving equal attention to all parts of who we are. The rewards are phenomenal. Don’t wait for something drastic to happen to you before you awaken.

Life is not a survival. Life does not have to a be hard. Life is for creating and experiencing. We are the sole creators of us, of our own circumstances and the world we surround ourselves with. Change requires action on our part. If we do nothing, nothing will happen.

We all construe our own realities but the truth is that there is no one singular absolute reality. There is no one singular absolute truth. There are multiple realities and multiple potential realities that we all have the abilities to create. The only limiting factor in creating the you and the life that you want is you and your imagination. How far are you prepared to go? How much are you prepared to put into it? Are you willing to face your own fears in order to create a new reality?

As long as we are alive, as long as we have desire to and as long as we are willing to, we can change anything and everything around us. If you cannot do it on your own then you could seek the guidance of a professional Coach.

Real Coaching Radio offers 7 Professional Coaches in 7 Professional areas of Life Balancing. Email Coach Steve Toth at for more information.

Namaste until next week


Thursday 25 October 2007

How do you find your passion in life?

Good Afternoon to all,

It is so good to be back at Real Coaching Radio. If you were listening to the show, you may have heard that I just spent 3 weeks in a Holistic Retreat in Sicily recharging my batteries. It was truly a slice of Paradise.

From next year, in collaboration with Real Coaching Radio, myself, Drª Venerina Conti and Coach Steve Toth are going to be organising some spiritual/Motivational/Personal Growth events. If anyone wants to see what I was waking up to everyday and get a feel for the place, then please check out this website:

If you are interested in taking part in any of the events we will be organising there, in 2008 or 2009, then please do not hesitate to contact Coach Steve Toth or myself Drª Venerina Conti.

First of all, we would like to apologise to the people in the chat room during the live broadcast. Due to technical problems, we were unable to use the chat facilities and answer your questions there.

Today’s topic at Real Coaching Radio was: “How does a person find their passion in life”.

The leading questions posed were:

Why do people give up on their dreams early on in life?
Why are people so unwilling to look inside themselves?
Why do people sell out?
What is the cost of giving up on personal passions?
Where does the motivation come from to follow a passion?
Why are people afraid to come out of their comfort zones?
Why do people become resigned and cynical?
How can people turn negative into positive and use sexual energy in a Creative way?

Some of the answers addressed issues like parental influences, societal stereotyping, desire of seeking fame and glory and pressing financial demands, people find themselves in, along with people’s own fears that limit their potential for growth.

People sell out for all kinds of reasons. The essential thing is to recognize the reason and confront it. People can make up all kinds of excuses like no time, no money, no energy but the truth is that we are responsible for the world we create around us. Our thoughts and actions are what make up our world.

He who has no time will make it for what he believes in. He who has no money will find a way of making it if it means realising his dreams and he who has no energy can learn to create it. There are no real excuses. They are shadows we cast over ourselves in order to hide our lack of will and our fears.

He who wants something will always find a way to achieve it or someone that can help him learn how to achieve it. Life is about moving out of your comfort zone and taking risks and as Brian Tracey said: “What’s the worst that could happen?”. Keep answering that question and you’ll find there is no worst that could ever possibly happen.

Ultimately though, the only way you can find your passion in life is by asking yourself the question: “Am I truly happy”?. If the answer is: “No”, then you should look inside yourself for the answer as to why you are not. Is it the job?, Is it a relationship?, Is it the general circumstances in your life? Then think back to a time when you were happy and think about what use to make you happy at that time. Attempt to find out what you were doing then that is now missing in your life.

Meditation is an excellent means to connecting with the self and making self discoveries that have previously been suppressed or ignored. When we stand outside the issue, we can see it more clearly.

Listen in to today’s recorded show:



Friday 21 September 2007

Mind, Body & Soul – Relationships

On Thursday 20th September, Real Coaching Radio devoted its shows to relationships. At 8am MST, 3pm GMT, the trans-Atlantic Mind, Body & Soul show was hosted by Coach Steve Toth and myself, Dr Venerina Conti. We were joined in the studio by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton, calling in from Scotland whilst we looked at the underlying theme of communication in relationships.

The questions we posed were: “Are current relationships the product of old habits dieing hard”?, “Is there a lack of sufficient connection between people, on a deeper level, which over time kills communication and the relationship itself”?, “How does our upbringing and our parent’s behaviour influence the way we are towards, and with, others”?, “Does the physical get in the way of the internal connection between people”?, “Has sex become the be all and end all in our society today”?,

My question to you, right now is: “How much of the mind, body and soul is in your relationship”?

I live in Portuguese territory and there is a wonderful Portuguese phrase that says: “Falando entende-se”, which essentially means that by “speaking” people can understand each other. This is what Coach Steve and I were trying to put across to our listeners the importance of conversation, dialogue, communication. Whether that dialogue be internal with one’s self or with another person, it is of the utmost importance if we wish to express ourselves clearly and concisely. It is an essential element for being understood, for making wrongs right and for more wholly integrated into a communicative world.

At 1pm MST, 8pm GMT, Coach Steve Toth was joined in the studio by Dr Ken and the topic of relationships took new heights. Coach Steve introduced us to the concept of the 9 levels of a relationship between potential lovers. Listen in and see how many items you can check off the list within your relationship. If you are thinking of starting a new relationship or if you are looking for a new partner maybe this would be beneficial in helping you to understand the differences there are between men and women.

As Dr John Gray quite rightfully pointed out to us with his famous book, “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus”, each gender sees, hears, feels and views things in a different way. Just what is this way? Coach Steve and Dr Ken offered some fresh insights that everyone should pay attention to.

It does not matter where your relationship is right now. If you were in love with your partner once but the conversation has run dry it is not too late to make those little changes that could enhance your partnership and take it back to where it once was. If you feel you cannot find a new partner or get along with a companion then these two shows are a must for you.

Just remember this one important thing. Know yourself first because only when you achieve that can you truly begin to know others.

