Showing posts with label change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

I'm not good enough!

The one mindset that makes so many people fail, in life, is thinking “I’m not good enough.”

Where does that thinking come from? Are you willing to find out? Are you ready to face it and move on?  Unless you do, you will never live your Highest and best possible life. Success, in anything, depends on having strong self confidence and belief that "we can" no matter what the obstacles are. 

The only person stopping you from becoming who you want to be and doing what you want to do in life is you. Nobody else.  

It's sad that in today's society,  millions of people think they are not good enough just because, to their way of thinking, they do not fit the standard of beauty, wealth or body type the media would have us believe "should be" the norm. Some come to believe they're not smart enough, lucky enough or even efficient enough because their bank account doesn't match the Hollywood lifestyle rammed down our necks at every opportunity. 

Not feeling good enough is a fear just like any other. It's a self doubt that arises from somewhere in our past; sometimes even as far back as childhood. Someone or something knocked our confidence. Whatever it was made us feel small; knocked us off our feet. 

Instead of bouncing back we shied away once, then twice and then continued to do so until this issue became ingrained in our soul. 

Transform your mind

As harsh as this may sound, we allowed this to happen. We create our own fears and complexes on the basis of something that nine times out of ten is just someone else's opinion. Everyone has one. It doesn't mean they are right. Yet, somehow, we accept their opinion as something written in stone. We take it onboard and allow it to harm us and hold us back. I should add here that the more we hold someone dear to us, the more importance we give to their opinions. 

Judgements, criticisms, constructive criticism, liking, disliking; they're all just one person or another' opinion. Believing the "I'm not enough" paradigm is what, ultimately, puts us into a victim mentality. It also stops us from taking risks and going after opportunities. 

It's also worth noting that the more someone says something to us, the more likely we are to think about it. The more we think about it, the more we end up believing it and soon, before we know it, we have reaffirmed that belief so much that we end up imbedding it as a new reality into our subconscious mind. Once a belief has that status in our life, we begin to base your actions on it and create the world around us in accordance with it.

This is not who we are though. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. We all have the same potential and capacities as anyone else in the world. The only difference between us and a successful person is that the successful person acts upon his world and does not let the world just act upon him. 

In order to overcome paradigms like the "I'm not good enough", we need to learn to forgive ourselves our harsh judgments. We need to forgive others because perhaps they knew no better. You see, everyone creates their own reality based on their own circumstances and influences in life. 

There is no such thing as a perfect life. Everyone has baggage. The important thing is how you deal with the baggage that you are carrying. If you cannot love yourself, forgive yourself and be at one with yourself, the chances are you will not succeed in having successful relationships with others. Look deep into the inner you and discover even the most painful of content. Let it rise to the surface, analyse it, cherish the lesson that may be contained within it and then let it go. 

Create new realities for yourself based on what you love about you, the things you are best suited for and what your passions are in life. Give yourself all the validation you need to restore the belief that you can be and you will be. Once you restore this self-confidence you will find that the only limiting factor is your own imagination. 

Thank you for reading this article and if you are interested in transforming your mind. 


Sunday, 24 June 2018

Nirvana and Samsara / Heaven and Hell

Good morning beautiful world. <3 span=""> People talk about Heaven and Hell, Nirvana and Samsara and I'm sure the equivalent exists in all religions. I have always maintained that I don't believe in either as "physical realities" - For me, personally, Heaven (Nirvana) and Hell (Samsara) are what we create in our lives here on earth. 

Samsara/Hell, is the place of darkness (negative energy) where we get stuck when we find it difficult, or impossible, to live with ourselves and others, because our speech and actions go against the very nature of who we truly are. We can't live with the decisions we make because they don't align with the Highest good within every one of us. In this space, we get caught up in all the negative aspects of human life; fear, anxiety etc etc. The more negative we are, the more negativity we create and, eventually, we end up in a very difficult cycle and attract more negativity - because energy will always magnetise to, and attract, its own polarity. That's why like attracts like. 

We forget, though, that the dark doesn't have to be a negative place. What makes the darkness dark is the charge of negative emotion behind it - our intention - our motivation for acting in a dark way. When we carry out dark actions with a pure intention, it is not dark. It is for a greater good. When something is for the greater good, it's a completely selfless act of unconditional love.

Think about it - the night is dark but it serves its purpose to let us rest and precede the day. It's intention isn't bad.

Heaven/Nirvana is the place of light (positive energy.) - a place of inner and outer peace. We reach this place when we just allow everything, and everyone, to "be." When we don't grasp, don't judge, don't fear, don't hate and certainly don't try to harm others or put them down (regardless of what they may appear to be doing to us) and don't take anything on board, in a personal way, this is when we can live in peace with ourselves and others ... because nothing will matter.

Saying that nothing matters doesn't, literally, mean nothing matters. It just means that we learn to let go of anything, and anyone, that doesn't serve our Higher purpose. When we do that, we attract people, places and events in our lives that can make everything change and once change happens, you'll find there's no going back.

However, since we live in a realistic world and not an idealistic Utopia, perhaps the solution is to find a happy balance between the light and the dark. After all, they need each other like the day needs the night.

It's my personal opinion that, a lot of the time, we do things so automatically, we don't stop for long enough to know why we did it or what our true intention was/is.

Have a beautiful Sunday one and all,

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Beliefs change

Life changes, circumstances change, we change and our beliefs have to change accordingly.

We shouldn't attach ourselves to whatever beliefs we have in our minds, at this very moment, because they mean nothing. The very second something happens that makes us re-think and re-evaluate what’s in our minds, new beliefs are formed and what we clung so tightly to, yesterday, is now history.

This is how we evolve and grow - through our ever changing and (hopefully) ever improving belief system. Never cling to any belief so rigidly that you close your minds off to new information, new potential and new opportunity coming your way.

Keeping an open mind is like saying yes to life and telling the Universe that you are ready, and willing, to receive whatever is coming your way. One global love <3 span="">

Friday, 29 December 2017

New Year's Resolutions

Good morning beautiful world ... All I'm hearing lately is people asking: "What New Year's resolutions are you going to make?" - Me? - Very simple - "None" - I'm not a great believer in resolutions made on the 1st January that, being optimistic, are broken already by the 25th. If I'm realistic, I should say broken by the 3rd!!!

I am more of the opinion that we should change our lives, or aspects thereof, when we feel the time is right to do so - and without hesitation. The moment we decide should be the moment of change. If we dilly dally between deciding and changing, we'll probably end up doing nothing. 

However, if we want to use the popular cultural tradition of making resolutions for the new year, then why don't we make them in December? ... That's usually when I make mine if I make any at all.

The way I see it is ... No matter how frigging terrible and difficult the year has been, we can all choose to end it on a positive note and, thereby, really go into the new year as we mean to continue throughout the year. An end of year shift from negative energy to a positive attitude sets the tone for the coming year. It restores hope and creates a new outlook of optimism... (and as I write this ... my phone just beeped ... only for me to see 11:11 on its clock ... if that's not a sign, then nothing is) ...

Point is ... we are all more likely to keep promises we make to ourselves, and stick to changes in our lives, when we do them because we want to and when we feel the time is right to do so ... and not because we're under pressure, to do so, by some popular cultural tradition.

What changes will you be implementing in your life?

One Global Love

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Conflicts help us learn and grow.

It's not the people we have difficulties with, in life, that need to change; it's our attitude towards them, and the situation, that needs to change... because nobody can change anybody. We all change when we want to, when we're ready to and when we have the strength and courage to do so. Or, when something prompts us to do so - in any area of our lives.

No matter how hard we try and maintain peace in our lives, while we interact with others, there will always be a time of some kind of conflict with someone. It's inevitable. Conflicts are how we learn and grow. Sometimes, conflicts arise because of karmic situations, other people interfering, false rumours and other types of negative energy, which is completely beyond our control... and we can't control the uncontrollable. Everything happens for a reason and that is what we need to accept and analyse.

All we can do, for our own balance and inner peace, is to hold steady on our ground and, instead of adding fuel to the fire; remain still, in silent observation with a great deal of patience and compassion. The storm always passes but our attitude, during it, will make a huge difference between whether everything good will be razed to the ground or if the sun will once again shine and give new light for rebirth.

More often than not, in difficult times, we walk away because it's easier than staying and fighting for what, we know, is just and truthful. We allow pride to get the better of us ... More often than non, we don't give up on people, and situations, because we don't care, we give up because we run out of patience and lose touch with our compassionate side. Love each other peeps. Life really is two minutes and we don't take anything when we check out. So, don't let pride or a lack of patience make you give up. One global love

Thursday, 24 April 2014

From the flowering Udumbara ...

Dear Chinese Government,

It's time.

The wheel of Dharma has been turned, not once but twice. There is one final turn left and not even you will be able to stop the events about to come. None of us will.

The Universe has conspired to bring about a peaceful transition and change is inevitable so you too may as well embrace it.

Try as you will to eradicate a nation, a culture, a religion and a people, you have done nothing more than fuel a fire that burns deep in the heart of every Tibetan and the ones who love them around the globe.

The irony is that the more you tty to erase every trace of them, the more determined you make them. Their legacy is now global and they shall survive long after your heartless leaders have departed from this world. You made and make them stronger. For that, I am truly grateful to you. You made my people the great survivors they are now.

It is time for you to learn there is no supreme race on this planet just a single human race.

The twist in the knife you so gravely wish to implant is that your own people have become influenced and are getting closer and closer to Tibetans. Have you ever considered why?

The double irony is that in wishing to erase Tibetan culture, you have corrupt your own. Maybe it"s because your people find hope among Tibetans. Maybe it"s becausd they admire their peaceful determination. Maybe it"s because Tibetans have qualities your corrupt leaders can only dream of and maybe it"s because among Tibetans their life has value, which you have always paid little attention to.

I find it rather amusing that you took Budhism to Tibet centuries ago and now they are returning it to you by your own doing.

I am but a singular faint voice but you are making me stronger too. Soon I will be echoed a thousand times over.

You cannot stop the inevitable.
The Dharma wheel has been turned.
Turn with it in peace and harmony.

Yours truly budding

The Flowering Udumbara

Friday, 11 May 2012

Life can be rebooted!

It’s been a while! And, well ... life certainly has taken a different turn for me. After 10 years of living on paradise island, working 6 days a week 12 hours a day and squeezing in a million hobbies, I find myself in Spain with no fixed abode, unemployed, unplugged and yet, eerily calm about an unknown future that has yet to unfold because I have yet to write it.

My feet haven’t really touched the ground since I got here and yet, I seem to have found enough quiet, solitary, moments to reflect.

In this new situation I find myself in, it’s become more and more apparent to me that when we have nothing to lose, we can only gain “something.” When there’s nothing left to be taken from us, we can only make new acquisitions and create new situations. When there’s nothing left to destroy we can only create something new. Yet, in reality, aside from death or theft, nothing is really ever taken from us. We choose to give things up. We choose to walk away from people, places, jobs; even our lives.

Maybe it’s a mid-life crisis, maybe it’s a fantasy or a calling but I walked away from my life (as I knew it) in search of something. Nobody forced me to. Life didn’t make me do it. Life didn’t give me a set of ultimatums. All I had before me was a set of choices. We all have them, and some are more painful than others to make because of what we leave behind. None the less, they are still our choices. For better or for worse, we need to take responsibility for our choices and stand by them.

Everything in life is a risk and if we don’t take risks, we will never know the outcome. We’ll be forever wondering: “What if ...” I would hope that each one of us knows exactly what we have, but we’ll never know what awaits us unless we’re willing to take a blind leap of faith into the unknown.

When we have nothing and manage to put our fears aside, we potentially stand to gain everything. All it takes is a strong sense of belief, persistence, perseverance, hard work and a healthy dose of optimism and faith. It also helps to have kind souls in your life who lift your spirit, look after you physically, mentally and emotionally, and make you feel loved. That, in my humble opinion, is the true essence of life; being with others and sharing with others.

I know there are some people out there who may think they have no-one, but the truth is we are NEVER alone. Solitude is a state we create. If we don’t see anyone around us, it’s because we’re not looking closely enough. It’s not the world’s fault. It’s not the circumstances we find ourselves in. We choose to wear blinkers and, until we remove them, we will never be able to open ourselves up to the world around us.

When we get down to the nitty, gritty of it life really is very simple and we can live very well with the simplest of things; food, shelter and good company. We over-complicate life because we’re constantly chasing something or other. We expend so much time and energy chasing the next big dream, the next big pay check, the next exotic dream trip, we fail to stop and really appreciate the simplicity of life.

I’ve always said that the older we get, the harder it is to break out of our comfort zone and be challenged by something new because we emotionally allow our fears to cloud our vision of potentials and possibilities.

With my move, I’ve proved to myself, that even at the age of almost 44, it’s possible to just walk away from everything and start a new life. How this life will turn out is a matter of time and my willingness to dedicate myself to it. I realise that if I was married and had children, it might not be so easy to change life, but I also believe that a family, like good friends, should be a compliment and not a burden. Hence, a change of life might be a little more difficult but certainly not impossible.

Life really is what we make it; simple or complex, it’s all our own doing.

Now, more than ever, I am consciously aware of how life is like a blank computer screen. We choose what to write, how to write it and when to write it. We can even choose not to write anything at all or we can just write a few lines of nonsense. Yet, in the simplicity of choosing between writing or not writing, with computers, we find ourselves confronted with the dilemmas of which of the million fonts to use, what size the font should be, what colour to write in, how many words we should write, what to write about, how to express our thoughts and the list goes on - and this is before we’ve even started typing.

In this nothingness that my life has, temporarily, become it’s very clear to me how the only time I hold myself back and stop myself from making a move forward is when I look back at “what was” instead of “being here now” and plainly accepting “what is.”

I, like anyone of you out there, am limited only by my memories, my imagination, my creativity, my motivation, determination, my perseverance and my lack of enthusiasm for doing anything. Every new day, and its outcome, is my own doing. My procrastination, my advancement, my whole life and its direction revolve around how much I am prepared to put into it, what I choose to do, how I choose to go about it and how focused I am.

Life is a bit like a computer ... you really can reboot at any moment in time.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

The Power to Transform is Yours!

99% of the time, what we believe is the product of other people's beliefs. Our entire belief system is based on beliefs our families have, the type of education we receive, the culture we find ourselves immersed in, the role we play in society and what is expected of us within that role.
Clinging too rigidly to beliefs can hold us back in life. It can stop us from progressing. It can prevent us from following our dreams. It can also stop us from understanding others who are different to us. 
In order to understand others, communicate more effectively and aim for a world where there is peace, we first need to begin to understand ourselves.
By changing our beliefs, we can change our entire world. We can create the life we have always wanted and we can find happiness everywhere and in everything. 

Check out my new book - On Sale Now!

The Power to Transform is Yours