Sunday, 23 October 2011

Mind Set Central Podcast Episode 84

America, a cancer?
Clinton and Gaddafi laugh
World Oil ownership
Soldiers going home from mid-east
Gaddafi, Alive or dead?
Peace and war – design?
Obama Peace Prize
Norway Terrorist
Occupy Arrests
Student loans
Banks and plans…
Flu Season Begins!
Do Doctors Care?
Anti depressants
Cash Ban
Book Tracking
TSA – Travel
Another Satellite Falls
Until Next Week, Peace Out Humans!

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Another Mind Set Central Podcast

Episode No. 82 - Mind Set Central Podcast -

Another Mind Set Podcast screams on to the internets with controversial topics galore!
Topics that are sure to get your brain juices flowing, and discussed in depth this week are:

The Weather – Strange?
World Wide Wasted Food
The Homeless Situation
The “Occupy” Protests
Letting off Political Steam
Banning Tea!
Clinton and Pakistan
Vaccination Scare
The Return of Anthrax (not the Band)
Cancer and the Steve Jobs Conspiracy
The China Money Bull
Bull Symbolism
Space war and Meteors
Pine Gap and STS48
HAARP and Scooby Doo
Critical thinking and Vampire foxes
Education and Texting
Alex and Venerina FIGHT!!
And so much more…

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Two wrongs don't make a right!

Physically, we’re all built the same way. Physiologically, we all function the same way. We all experience emotions the same way; when we’re happy we smile, when we’re sad we cry. We’re all fighting to survive in this crazy topsy turvy world. 
Some people may possess more physical things than others. Some may be financially better off than others, but at the end of the day a human being is a human being. Nothing else matters, not the colour of one’s skin, not what nationality we are, not what religious doctrine we adhere to, not our beliefs or culture, nor anything else you can think of that makes you “think” we’re different. 
In reality, the only things that make us think we are different to one another are our own construed, and somewhat distorted beliefs and our ignorance. 
Please note that when I use the word ignorance I mean it in the sense of “lack of knowledge and a consequential lack of understanding.” I also refer to ignorance as the lack of interest to discover and enquire. 
When we learn something, we come to know it. When we know it, we can grow to appreciate it. We can come to terms with it. We can investigate it further if we wish. We can create a big enough database of  its characteristics in order to begin to fully understand it. Thus, we can start to make educated formulated opinions about it instead of using third party here-say and guesswork.  
Of course, there is one golden ingredient that’s essential for any type of learning and understanding to take place. We need to have curiosity. Motivated by curiosity, we’re driven by interest in the subject matter. 
As many of you know from your own experiences, if we’re not interested in something we never learn about it. No matter how much information comes at us about it, we simply discard it. We pay no attention to it and dare I say, we even close ourselves off to the notion of it. 
Likewise, if we don’t have a certain flexibility of or within our belief system, we’ll simply reject any new possibilities that arise from any topic relevant information coming at us. Pardon me, but in doing so we cocoon ourselves. We voluntarily become ignorant. But, under the circumstances it’s not because of lack of information. 
When ignorance is due to lack of instruction or knowledge, it’s excusable and even forgivable; to an extent. I say to an extent because, even without instruction, most of us have a conscience. We all have a little inner voice, or an inner sixth sense that guides us through right and wrong. Most of us are also equipped with common sense which, when it’s followed honestly and open heartedly, also guides us in a positive way. 
Quite frankly, I strongly believe that laziness and hatred are the major culprits behind voluntary ignorance. Laziness, because we can’t be bothered to do our own due diligence. Half the time, we expect others to spoon feed us with information; be it right or wrong.
Most of us are so indoctrinated to look up to our elders and respect ruling authorities, that we choose to blindly trust anyone we think has a little more education than us.  Worst of all, we blindly put our lives in the hands of those we think have a more important role in society than we do. Yet, it’s exactly this mentality that’s made us lazy in the first place.  It’s this handing over of responsibility to others, for our welfare, that allows us to continue to be in denial and live blame free. 
If a bomb explodes somewhere, it wasn’t us. It was some militant or military of some government of some country for some reason. Yet, who elected the government who ordered the military to detonate the bomb. Isn’t that the same elected government some militants are fighting against because they see the evil of its members? 
We all have responsibility every single day in every little thing that happens in every single country around the world.
Most of the time, because we only hear bad news coming at us, we switch off and go back into our little blame free world of denial. We might empathise for a short while, but human memory is short-lived. 
I hear people say to me: “Well, what can I do? - I can’t do anything.” There is always something we can do. Half the time, we just can’t be bothered to find out what it is we can do. Doing nothing is worse than doing even something minute.
Hatred is the worst of all evils. One of the most useful things my step-mother ever said to me was: “You should never hate anything or anyone in life. Dislike it, but don’t hate it.” She’s right. Hatred is a very strong emotion. The word alone carries with it very heavy connotations. The sentiments behind it are even stronger. Both the word and the sentiment are charged with so much negative energy. 
Hatred is a destructive emotion. It doesn’t create anything positive. It only creates more of the same. It wedges barriers between people. It destroys mother nature and this very planet we live on and depend on for the sustenance of life. 
Whether we think it or verbalise it, we’re sending out poison into the world by way of our energy. Similarly, any time someone else sends out poison into the world, we’re influenced by it. 
If we were to analyse hatred, I think we’d find that really it’s only motivated and fueled by ego, pride, a sense of superiority, arrogance, stubbornness, un unwillingness to adjust who we are in front of someone else or something else. In fact, many times we knowingly, and sometimes unknowingly, cut off our noses off to spite our face; all in the name of a proud ego.
Just like love, kindness and compassion feed off and spread love, kindness and compassion, so too does hatred, anger and rage feed off and spread hatred, anger and rage.  
You’ve all heard the sayings: Two wrongs don’t make a right and you reap what you sow. It’s true, we generally get back from the world what we put out there. We can’t expect to receive love if we give hatred or indifference. Similarly, nothing will ever change unless we start taking back responsibility for ourselves, our actions, thoughts and beliefs and, of course, the environment around us. 

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Mind Set Central Podcast No. 77

Mind Set Central Podcast No. 77

The boys invited me back to one of their round table discussion and boy oh boy, what a discussion it turned out to be!

Clones, HAARP, Iran, lies ...

You name it, we talked about it!

Monday, 29 August 2011

HAARP, the Euro and the shootings in Norway

I heard someone say today: “Not everything is a conspiracy.” I totally agree. Just like I have to say that not every conspiracy theorist is a crackpot crazy person!

It’s so true, everything is not about conspiracy. However, there are some times when you just have to admit that the evidence surrounding the events just don’t add up. Sometimes, it’s because the events that happen just seem too coincidental to be natural occurrences.

Sometimes, it’s because events just don’t tie in with the “average norm” of the status quo. And, sometimes people’s behaviour and the unfolding of events are just too fantastic to be credible.

Of course, if a series of events take place over a long period of time, then thanks to our short-term memory, we only look at each event as a singular isolated incident. On its own, each event doesn’t mean very much. It has its own importance, but it’s only relative in the grand scheme of things. Only when we put the pieces together do we start to get a bigger and clearer picture.

I continue to reiterate that I am not by any means a conspiracy theorist. I also keep repeating myself when I say that what I write are just a few of the ramblings that take place in my head.

If you don’t like what I write, don’t read it. If you don’t believe me, that’s good. Nobody should take anybody’s word for anything until they have done their own due diligence and found the answers for themselves. If you can see where I’m coming from, good on you but please still draw your own conclusions.

As a professional singer, I’ve had the honour of working with many magicians in my time. Some were bad and some were so good that even close up, nobody could figure out how they were pulling their tricks off. Whether they were good or bad though, the one thing they all had in common was the art of distraction and optical deception.

Magicians and their assistants know how to set the scene and perfectly create an illusion that appears to us to be reality. As we all know though, reality is what’s going on behind the illusion to make it all seem real.

I see global politics a little like a magic show. Politicians and governments are merely assistants to and a facade for the billionaires who put them where they are. Politicians’ speeches and actions serve only to distract us from the real issues going on beneath the surface of real politics.

I don’t really understand politics and it’s not something I get into, but the events that have taken place over the last month or so has me thinking. I wonder if I can get you thinking too. Not because I want you to think how horrid what I’m saying is, but because if you can draw the same conclusions as me, then maybe we can all stand on the same road towards making a difference, in the world, when it counts the most.

Before last week, I don’t think that in my 43 years on this planet I’d ever heard of an earthquake in Washington.

Now, I’d be inclined to believe that it is possible that global weather patterns have changed and decided to rampage through New York and Washington DC, but lots of things convince me this is no coincidence and no act of nature.

Ostracize me if you will but just stop and think for a moment.

  • Never before in the history of the world have I ever heard of a city the size of New York City being shut down for the sake of a hurricane. My memory’s not that good but I can’t even remember hearing of a rampant hurricane in New York, period.
  • Obama’s speech to the American people to take this warning very seriously and the expression on his face were that of fear. It made me immediately think: “What does he know that we don’t?”
  • All US and a few EU networks seem to be instilling the fear of God into people. I’ve never seen this kind of sensationalist fear publicized for any hurricane before. Again, it makes me think: “Is there more going on than we know?”

On the Internet, I found a series of meteorological radar scans that imply and quite possibly provide evidence to suggest that this particularly huge hurricane had a less than Divine creative hand. Unless, of course, the Divine Creator has been given time off for good behaviour and HAARP is the temporary replacement. Maybe the Divine Creator has been fired all together.

The global political world has always shown concern about weapons of mass destruction, yet HAARP is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction. The most extraordinary and genial aspect of it is that nobody can prove what it can do. So, the perpetrators behind it can never be brought to justice.

HAARP is the stuff science fiction is made of. It’s so super-fantastic, we refuse to truly acknowledge its existence because we can’t quite wrap our brains around the concept that it can mimic God. Not only, but it comes fully installed with its own GPS system. So, the hand of HAARP can touch down whenever and wherever least expected.

HAARP is the ultimate paid assassin and its latest target, in the generally held opinion among conspiracy theorists, is Wall Street. Why? I can’t answer that, but I can give a few suggestions based on events that have taken place over the last month or so.

First of all, there’s been much talk in the mainstream and alternate media about the world being completely bankrupt. Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal (if I’m not mistaken) want out of the Euro. After these countries announced there wish to get out of the Euro, experts started talking about the Euro being on the brink of collapse. What was discussed less in the mainstream media but was mentioned more in the not so mainstream media was the collapse of the dollar.

I’m not an expert but if Wall Street is destroyed by the hurricane, will it mean world markets will crash too? Another very important question, I think, is will this be the excuse banks need to wipe out our savings “legally” as happened with so many Icelandic investors?

Even if this isn’t the main motive behind Irene, the destruction of New York City will mean a huge boost for American economy. In fact, the more damage the better. Houses will need rebuilding. Wounded will need medical care. People who have been evacuated and need to return will have to splash out on all their relocation costs. Public and private transport requires fuel. I’m sure if you sat down and thought about this enough, you could come up with more ideas than me.

In fact, a couple of these hurricanes a year in key places could set the ball rolling for the happy and healthy prosperity of all global economy! The world could be booming again. Oh, sorry, I meant to say the financially rich will get financially richer and the financially poor will get financially poorer.

Yet, in everything that could happen and everything that has happened, there is one disturbing intuition I can’t let go of; the shootings in Norway. There is an amass of information now on the Internet that concludes the events in Norway were a false flag; ingeniously carried out to start an inter-cultural feud in a country that has always been multi-culturally avant guard.

The idea my inner spirit keeps fighting is that the shootings were random and that Anders Behring Breivik is a Christian extremist. I think there’s much more to it. I don’t think this man is who he claims to be nor who the Internet and Media are making him out to be. I don’t think the shootings were random. I think they were carefully thought through.

I think Breivik was a puppet carrying out orders. One clue to us all is Breivik’s insistence on refusing criminal responsibility. He accepted and pleaded guilty to pulling the trigger but but he denied criminal responsibility. Only a man who is not the mastermind behind these events would make such a claim.

So, I went digging around on the Internet to find out some information about the students who were killed. I found some very interesting, and perhaps coincidental (or not) facts.

We were told the students were part of Norway’s Youth Labour party. What we weren’t told is that a great number of the deceased were studying at the University of Svalbard, which carries in the areas of biology, geology, technology and geophysics in the arctic region.

For those who don’t know, like I didn’t, the university of Svalbard is closely linked to HAARP. Why? Well, in Norway there is something called EISCAT; the European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association. They run scatter radar systems at various sites in the country; one of which is Tromso; coincidentally not very far from where the shootings took place.

The purpose of EISCAT is to study earth-sun interactions based on changes in the ionosphere. At one of the installations, EISCAT operate an ionospheric heating device very similar to HAARP.

Another interesting fact about EISCAT is that it is co-funded by the United Kingdom - that saw rioting this month - by Japan - that suffered a devastating earthquake and Tsunami; by Norway - which saw explosions and shootings; by Finland, Sweden, China - which had its fair share of disasters last year and at the beginning of this year; and finally by Germany, who wants to bail Europe out of its financial crisis.

However, moving on, my questions are:

Is EISCAT a competitor of HAARP?

Does EISCAT work with HAARP?

If HAARP was brewing something up in the ionosphere, what if EISCAT or Svalbard University students discovered it?

Could this have been a warning to the Scandinavian countries funding the project?

Is there a ploy to get EISCAT’s funding cut? That way HAARP would be the only weapon of its kind in the world.

I guess I’ll never find the answers to my questions. As per all odd cases, nobody will ever prove anything. Then, one day when we look back even the destruction hurricane Irene brings will be another singular isolated event in the memories of most people.

To listen to the Podcast version, please go to:

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Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Mind Set Central

I'm honoured to say that I've officially been given a warm blanket and a comfy cabin to voice my rantings - An especially big thank you to Gareth and Alex for welcoming me "home" and into the team aboard the Mind Set Central ship. It's calling at your port. So, come visit!