I am sorry for the delay in getting this next article out for everyone but I’ve been busy volunteering on the island of Madeira since the freak flood of the 20th February.
On my last post, about the adverse effects of a vaccine called Gardasil, a friend of mine in Facebook, posed a very good question. He asked if the motive behind pharmaceutical companies injecting people with vaccines that are potentially harmful to human beings, or that haven’t been sufficiently tested under clinical conditions, was purely monetary.
My immediate response was to say yes. Money equals power. Power equals control. Control is the basis all politics and all governments are founded on.
Personally, I see pharmaceutical companies making billions and billions of dollars a year in profits from people’s malaise; no longer with the good intentions of helping people, but by actually being a part of the cause; in order to guarantee “long term” sales of their products. The way I see it is, it’s not in Pharmaceutical companies’ nor Governments’ best interest to have entire populations of healthy individuals. Why?
Well, there are actually a lot of factors at play here in a chain of events that are all related and interconnected with one another.
Governments (Politicians)
Pharmaceutical Companies
Health officials (Including all Health establishments)
Work Places
Working from the highest to the lowest, at the top of the food chain, we have governments who profit the most from our illnesses. They gain money from the pharmaceutical companies by way of campaign donations (at least in the USA.) They gain money by way of taxes - ours, the pharmaceutical companies and those of their employees - and they gain money via health insurance policies or national health contributions.
Second in the chain, and just under governments, are the pharmaceutical companies who, as we all know, make enormous profits from our discomforts. The more we have wrong with us, the more products they can potentially sell us.
Underneath them, I’ve put Health officials including all health establishments, because they are next in the food chain. They are usually our first point of contact when we’re not feeling well. Naturally, we go to our doctor or we end up in hospital. However, as I mentioned in my last report, in a lot of countries doctors and health establishments get kick backs (commissions) from pharmaceutical companies for prescribing their drugs.
Underneath Health officials I’ve put Universities. It’s natural that, the more patients there are in the world, the greater the demand is for health officials. Education and training are of the essence. We also need to remember that universities are responsible for a great deal of research that takes place. Hence, universities stand to financially gain from illness as well.
A lot of university research is either government funded or funded by pharmaceutical companies, but since one is in bed with the other (so to speak) it’s hard to tell where the money is ultimately coming from.
However, there is a a reverse side to every coin. The reality is, there aren’t enough placements at universities to cater for everyone. So, in a twisted way, it’s actually convenient to have fewer candidates. This leads me into the next category on the chain: the workforce.
With a third (or whatever percentage it may be) of the population unable to work, present employees can continue to work for a longer number of years. The retirement age has already being extended; at least in some countries.
On another level, it also means the status quo of things doesn’t have to be altered. This is greatly beneficial for those who are in high power jobs or in Scale A jobs; higher up the Socio-political Economical chain. Potentially, they can’t be challenged or so they think. The key players are in place and will continue to be there until they have had sufficient time to train a whole new team to replace themselves accordingly.
You may be thinking that it costs governments more to have someone unemployed, but does it? Some countries pay sick benefits or unemployment benefits and other don’t. Whatever they do pay, if they pay, is recovered in many ways as explained above.
Since there are a lack of jobs around the world, at this present time, it seems very convenient to have a percentage of people unemployed through some form of illness; especially certain age groups. Furthermore, since the world economy has slowed down considerably over the last couple of years, it also seems very convenient to give it a boost through extra worldwide sales of pharmaceutics.
However, since the EU parliamentary commission did take the pharmaceutical companies to court over the H1N1 vaccine, we might assume here that not all countries were behind the swine flu vaccine scam.
However, there could be two underlying reasons why, at least Merck, are desperate to sell their vaccines. In 2009, it was announced - I quote -
Merck and the Wellcome Trust will initially put up equal cash contributions — a total of $130 million over the next seven years.
Other funding could come from grants for specific projects, donations from governments and charities, or investments and licensing fees from for-profit pharmaceutical or biotech companies, said Merck spokeswoman Amy Rose. - End quote -
These funds have to come from somewhere.
This leads me to a very interesting fact that I came across on the Internet; donation records from Merck’s CEO to the Republican Senatorial and Congressional campaigns between 2006 and 2008.
Merck, Pfizer Inc and Sanofi Aventis US, three major names in Pharmaceuticals, still Patron Mary Pallin and her Gala events, as well as various other Republican events. It’s funny to also note how Merck’s income from US federal contracts has sky-rocketed since their contributions to the republican campaigns. You can see for yourself by following the link provided in the resources and further reading section.
I think it would be safe to assume and draw the conclusion here that, on the basis of these facts, both the US Senate and Congress, therefore, fully condone pharmaceutical companies’ actions.
My friend (on Facebook) also wondered if there was some darker, deeper, sinister element at play; like trying to wipe out half the world’s population. I’m less likely inclined to believe that. It’s far more profitable to make people suffer, on a long term basis, than to have them (putting it bluntly) die in the short term. Although, this too may have some advantages.
Let’s explore this in a little more detail:
Most vaccine manufacturers use substances like: Polysorbate 80 (also known as Tween 80) - As I’ve already explained, and it’s a well documented fact, it’s an infertility substance. Governments know this. The FDA knows this. We can, therefore, assume that its use in vaccines could be threefold:
To control the population count. As we have all heard, the world is getting over-crowded. So, somebody somewhere has decided we need to slow our growth down a bit. Instead of enforcing a child number policy per family, (like China or Tibet), which, let’s face it, most countries wouldn’t accept, governments happily let us be injected with something that might help solve the problem quietly. That way, there’s no need for social reform, no new legislations, no referendums, no social unrest and well, what the public doesn’t know can’t hurt them.
To subsequently provide future fertility treatments to infertile couples who want to have a child. As I mentioned in an earlier article, at between 2,000 to 5,000 US dollars per treatment, the pharmaceutical companies stand to gain tremendous wealth. If we examine it a little closer, it’s also another way of controlling the population count. Since it is such an expensive treatment, and not always successful, many couples wouldn’t be able to afford it. So, eventually, just the act of having a child would become a luxury for those who are financially better off.
To ensure that some of the millions of orphans around the globe find parents willing to adopt them. That’s not such a bad thing, right? Except that, most major adoption agencies are government organisations (or affiliates thereof,) and if they’re not, you can rest assured governments around the world are trying to shut them down. So, from a cynical point of view, is this another way of redirecting more money into government funds? - Also, adoptions come with a high price tag. So, one has to question whether even adopting a child is, or will solely be, for the financially privileged. Are children really being thought of, or would this just be another form of legalised human commerce?
A lot of pharmaceutical companies are using substances like Mercury, Thimerosal, Aluminum and its derivatives. None of these have ever been proven safe for human
With the ever increasing number of people getting better health education and turning to alternative methods of Health Management, such as: Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Holistic Nutrition, Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, Tibetan Medicine, Aromatherapy and an in-exhaustive list too great to mention here, it’s fair to say the pharmaceutical market suffered losses.
These same pharmaceutical companies have tried to ban natural supplements on a worldwide scale. They have tried to shut down, discredit and ban natural health remedies and all kinds of Natural Health Specialists. We should be asking the question; why?
If this doesn’t prove that it’s all about the money and the politics; nothing does. Don’t take my word for it. Check it out for yourself. I am not showing you anything that isn’t public intellectual property and readily available out there.
Resources and further reading:
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Monday, 12 April 2010
From the flowering Udumpara - whoever he or she may be ...
I received this email and though it was beautiful ... so, I'm sharing it.
Dear Chinese Government,
I am the voice you wish to silence. I am the one who exists in this lifetime, yet speaks from the spirit of ages. I am the one you should fear. For I am the one who will keep the fire of life burning in the hearts of my people.
Although I may seem like a mere mortal in this lifetime, I am the soul of centuries. I am the fire from the flame that never dies.
I have lived through wars and famines. I have watched as all life ceased and started again. I have watched in silence as man killed man. I cried tears of lotus leaves when you tore the heart out of he who dared to carry my name but not relinquish his people.
I have returned for the love of my people. You know this and I know this. You cannot kill me. I am everywhere. I speak through the voice and with the voice of millions.
The very core of my heart grows stronger every day as I learn more; as does the love I share with those who call to me.
I hear the cries of those you hold in chains. I feel the pain of those you beat because they yield not to your will. I know the burial grounds of every corpse you have violated. Yet, you cannot kill me. Your time has come. Relinquish. The wind has changed. You know it and I know it. The tide has turned. You know it and I know it.
My people are already free. You know it and I know it. You cannot bound that which you do not possess; that which you cannot possess. You know it and I know it.
Freedom is relative. Spirit is free. The heart is free. The will is free. Land is a matter of material convention. Politics are a mere dispute to justify gross salaries and inflated egos.
I am the prediction. I am the prophecy. I am the flower you wish to deny. I am the beginning, I am the end and I am the middle ground. I see all. I hear all. I feel all.
You cannot kill me for I am eternity, but if you wish to know my name; you may call me hope.
The flowering Udumpara
Watching over Tibetans everywhere
Dear Chinese Government,
I am the voice you wish to silence. I am the one who exists in this lifetime, yet speaks from the spirit of ages. I am the one you should fear. For I am the one who will keep the fire of life burning in the hearts of my people.
Although I may seem like a mere mortal in this lifetime, I am the soul of centuries. I am the fire from the flame that never dies.
I have lived through wars and famines. I have watched as all life ceased and started again. I have watched in silence as man killed man. I cried tears of lotus leaves when you tore the heart out of he who dared to carry my name but not relinquish his people.
I have returned for the love of my people. You know this and I know this. You cannot kill me. I am everywhere. I speak through the voice and with the voice of millions.
The very core of my heart grows stronger every day as I learn more; as does the love I share with those who call to me.
I hear the cries of those you hold in chains. I feel the pain of those you beat because they yield not to your will. I know the burial grounds of every corpse you have violated. Yet, you cannot kill me. Your time has come. Relinquish. The wind has changed. You know it and I know it. The tide has turned. You know it and I know it.
My people are already free. You know it and I know it. You cannot bound that which you do not possess; that which you cannot possess. You know it and I know it.
Freedom is relative. Spirit is free. The heart is free. The will is free. Land is a matter of material convention. Politics are a mere dispute to justify gross salaries and inflated egos.
I am the prediction. I am the prophecy. I am the flower you wish to deny. I am the beginning, I am the end and I am the middle ground. I see all. I hear all. I feel all.
You cannot kill me for I am eternity, but if you wish to know my name; you may call me hope.
The flowering Udumpara
Watching over Tibetans everywhere
Friday, 2 April 2010
Good Friday - The Spirit of Christ
Today sees the end of what is traditionally known as “Good Friday.”
In Christian tradition, Good Friday is the day the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is remembered, as is his resurrection. In many countries, it’s also tradition to reenact the Via Crucis (also known as the Via Dolorosa or the 14 stations of the cross.)
Along his path to his crucifixion Christ encountered good people who did good deeds. The two most renowned are Simon helping him to carry his cross and Veronica wiping his face. Let’s not forget that Christ’s death and resurrection, in Christian tradition, represents hope for salvation.
Here in Madeira for one group of people, and for one family in particular, it certainly was a Good Friday in terms of good deeds. It was a day when people came together to truly give life to the meaning of the spirit of Christ.
In their own way, one small group of volunteers gave hope and ignited a little light for salvation in the hearts of a family who became homeless after the freak flood of the 20th February 2010: a single mother and her two young children, who have been living in rented accommodation for 6 weeks now, because their house filled with mud and became inhabitable.
Today, on this special day of good deeds, this group of volunteers gave up their free time; precious time with their loved ones and their friends to clean up the mud filled house. Some even brought their friends along to the locality in Curral das Freiras.
They worked all day. They worked in the blazing sun. They walked up and down the side of a mountain countless times. They didn’t take a lunch break. They were called communists for working on a day when everyone else wasn’t working. They were called sinners for working on a Holy day. Yet, they sang, cleaned up mud, laughed and carried on giving hope to a lady and her two children who are desperately trying to get their lives back.
I was one of the volunteers. I watched the lady of the house’s motivation and enthusiasm grow with every inch of mud that was being removed. I saw the light at the end of the tunnel shine in her eyes. Her glimpse of salvation from doom and gloom was to know she wasn’t alone in her plight. We were there for her and with her.
I’m not a Catholic, but surely that is the true spirit of Christ, and it reassures me to know there are still human beings on this earth willing to give their time and their energy to help perfect strangers; no matter what the time or the day.
In Christian tradition, Good Friday is the day the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is remembered, as is his resurrection. In many countries, it’s also tradition to reenact the Via Crucis (also known as the Via Dolorosa or the 14 stations of the cross.)
Along his path to his crucifixion Christ encountered good people who did good deeds. The two most renowned are Simon helping him to carry his cross and Veronica wiping his face. Let’s not forget that Christ’s death and resurrection, in Christian tradition, represents hope for salvation.
Here in Madeira for one group of people, and for one family in particular, it certainly was a Good Friday in terms of good deeds. It was a day when people came together to truly give life to the meaning of the spirit of Christ.
In their own way, one small group of volunteers gave hope and ignited a little light for salvation in the hearts of a family who became homeless after the freak flood of the 20th February 2010: a single mother and her two young children, who have been living in rented accommodation for 6 weeks now, because their house filled with mud and became inhabitable.
Today, on this special day of good deeds, this group of volunteers gave up their free time; precious time with their loved ones and their friends to clean up the mud filled house. Some even brought their friends along to the locality in Curral das Freiras.
They worked all day. They worked in the blazing sun. They walked up and down the side of a mountain countless times. They didn’t take a lunch break. They were called communists for working on a day when everyone else wasn’t working. They were called sinners for working on a Holy day. Yet, they sang, cleaned up mud, laughed and carried on giving hope to a lady and her two children who are desperately trying to get their lives back.
I was one of the volunteers. I watched the lady of the house’s motivation and enthusiasm grow with every inch of mud that was being removed. I saw the light at the end of the tunnel shine in her eyes. Her glimpse of salvation from doom and gloom was to know she wasn’t alone in her plight. We were there for her and with her.
I’m not a Catholic, but surely that is the true spirit of Christ, and it reassures me to know there are still human beings on this earth willing to give their time and their energy to help perfect strangers; no matter what the time or the day.
clean up mud,
curral das freiras,
spirit of Christ,
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Projecto Coração da Madeira - The Heart of Madeira
The project “The HEART OF MADEIRA” is a non profit project, which offers physical and psychological support to the community of Madeira; wherever necessary. A task force of specialist volunteers has come together from different backgrounds and from various non government organisations; all with one purpose - to show social solidarity.
The purpose of the project is to:
1) Provide voluntary services in the areas of clean up, reconstruction and building advice; on a structural and architectural level - where privately owned houses were damaged during the freak flood of the 20th February 2010.
2) Distribute clothes and other material goods on behalf of and in collaboration with other organisations and institutions; including Caritas of Funchal.
3) Offer free specialised psychological support to people who have not yet received it
4) Investigate and determine other ways in which “The HEART OF MADEIRA” may more efficiently be able to help people who need it the most at this moment in time.
5)Collaborate with as many varied organisations as possible with a view to: maximising volunteer corroboration, efficiently receiving, handling and distributing material goods in order to distribute to benefit as many people as possible; as quickly as possible.
6) With this intent in mind, “The HEART OF MADEIRA” has already created partnerships with: AURA, Acreditar and The Buddhist Union of Funchal.
7) Publicly announce and advertise what material goods are needed in order to call upon Madeira’s sense of solidarity; and the solidarity of foreign contributors.
8) Collaborate with Madeira´s army, any and or all government institutions, any and or all non government organisations, local fire-brigades including the voluntary sector, any and or all social solidarity groups etc, with the intent to collaborate and not work in conflict or opposition.
We are not politically motivated. Our only motivation is to help our island and it’s people.
The project coordinators are volunteer psychologists who have been working in the army barracks since the 20th and 21st February 2010; Drª Isabel Rodrigues, Drª Carmo Aragão and Drª Venerina Conti.
If anyone wishes to donate furniture or other material goods, or if anyone knows of anyone who needs anything: please contact us.
Please note: We are not handling cash donations but you can donate through the English church in Funchal.
The purpose of the project is to:
1) Provide voluntary services in the areas of clean up, reconstruction and building advice; on a structural and architectural level - where privately owned houses were damaged during the freak flood of the 20th February 2010.
2) Distribute clothes and other material goods on behalf of and in collaboration with other organisations and institutions; including Caritas of Funchal.
3) Offer free specialised psychological support to people who have not yet received it
4) Investigate and determine other ways in which “The HEART OF MADEIRA” may more efficiently be able to help people who need it the most at this moment in time.
5)Collaborate with as many varied organisations as possible with a view to: maximising volunteer corroboration, efficiently receiving, handling and distributing material goods in order to distribute to benefit as many people as possible; as quickly as possible.
6) With this intent in mind, “The HEART OF MADEIRA” has already created partnerships with: AURA, Acreditar and The Buddhist Union of Funchal.
7) Publicly announce and advertise what material goods are needed in order to call upon Madeira’s sense of solidarity; and the solidarity of foreign contributors.
8) Collaborate with Madeira´s army, any and or all government institutions, any and or all non government organisations, local fire-brigades including the voluntary sector, any and or all social solidarity groups etc, with the intent to collaborate and not work in conflict or opposition.
We are not politically motivated. Our only motivation is to help our island and it’s people.
The project coordinators are volunteer psychologists who have been working in the army barracks since the 20th and 21st February 2010; Drª Isabel Rodrigues, Drª Carmo Aragão and Drª Venerina Conti.
If anyone wishes to donate furniture or other material goods, or if anyone knows of anyone who needs anything: please contact us.
Please note: We are not handling cash donations but you can donate through the English church in Funchal.
madeira island,
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Madeira clean up puts the world to shame!
Ladies and Gentleman, if I ever had any doubts that I was living in the wrong place, let me tell you that over the last week and a half those doubts have been completely erased. Madeira may be a small island but heck, when it comes to getting its ass into gear, (excuse the expression) by God, it surely shifts it.
As you all know, Madeira was hit by a freak flooding on the 20th February. I live on the island. Not everywhere was affected, but the areas that were suffered great loss and serious damage.
Everywhere else in the world, clean up operations are carried out solely by the military. Not here! I have never seen so many people volunteer to help out in the clean up of anywhere. Adults, children, the more mature in age; everyone who is able bodied and can chip in in some way. In the barracks where I've been volunteering, I even had a french lady (who was on holiday here) show up and lend a hand. Goodness knows how many tourists helped out along the seafront.
The fact of the matter is, on friday I tried to go into the city and couldn’t. The roads were all still closed. Last night, when I went to work, I could drive all the way from home right through the city, along the seafront, into the old town. Admittedly, one of the dual carriage ways is still closed but I bet any money that by tomorrow or the day after that will be open too.
The bars, cafés, restaurants and shops are now going back to normal. Tourists were sat admiring the marina. People were standing at the bus stops and life almost seemed completely normal. This is just 11 days after the terrible event. The extent of the work carried out made my jaw drop in utter amazement as I was driving and constantly repeating to myself: “wow.”
Even the road that completely collapsed in the famous footage out on the Internet has been completely rebuilt. One final coat of tarmac and it will be as good as new, open and ready for daily business. Anywhere else in the world clean up operations like this take months and months. Not here!
Villages that were left isolated without water, electricity and other amenities are all accessible in some way. They all have their amenities back in addition to supplies of food, clothes and other essentials. Schools and businesses are all back to normal.
Every day, people who have been staying in the barracks are being re-housed into temporary accomodation until they can be re-housed permanently. The government has promised to build 400 new homes.
The people who didn’t lose their houses completely have started rebuilding with bricks and cement. Neighbours are helping out. Communities are coming together. Someone cleans, someone digs, someone mixes cement and someone else lays bricks. It’s truly incredible.
The tourists we have here are even more amazed than I am. Talking to them, some admit they were a little anxious about coming here at first. Yet, seeing with their own eyes, they all end up telling me, they are so glad they came because if they hadn’t they wouldn’t have believed all this was possible in such a short space of time.
I can hardly believe it and I live here, and I feel so proud!!! Proud to be a part of a community of people who doesn’t just sit on their asses waiting for things to happen or for the government to bail them out. They’re making it happen!
I see small miracles every day and huge events taking place on the island all because of the dedication and hard work of its people; people just like you and I. The rest of the world could learn a thing or two from Madeira about how you really roll up your sleeves and just get on with it without waiting for others to do it for you.
If there are any doubting Thomas’ out there who thought the flower festival wouldn’t go ahead, think again! Then again, you don’t have to take my word for it, you could just come and see for yourself.
As you all know, Madeira was hit by a freak flooding on the 20th February. I live on the island. Not everywhere was affected, but the areas that were suffered great loss and serious damage.
Everywhere else in the world, clean up operations are carried out solely by the military. Not here! I have never seen so many people volunteer to help out in the clean up of anywhere. Adults, children, the more mature in age; everyone who is able bodied and can chip in in some way. In the barracks where I've been volunteering, I even had a french lady (who was on holiday here) show up and lend a hand. Goodness knows how many tourists helped out along the seafront.
The fact of the matter is, on friday I tried to go into the city and couldn’t. The roads were all still closed. Last night, when I went to work, I could drive all the way from home right through the city, along the seafront, into the old town. Admittedly, one of the dual carriage ways is still closed but I bet any money that by tomorrow or the day after that will be open too.
The bars, cafés, restaurants and shops are now going back to normal. Tourists were sat admiring the marina. People were standing at the bus stops and life almost seemed completely normal. This is just 11 days after the terrible event. The extent of the work carried out made my jaw drop in utter amazement as I was driving and constantly repeating to myself: “wow.”
Even the road that completely collapsed in the famous footage out on the Internet has been completely rebuilt. One final coat of tarmac and it will be as good as new, open and ready for daily business. Anywhere else in the world clean up operations like this take months and months. Not here!
Villages that were left isolated without water, electricity and other amenities are all accessible in some way. They all have their amenities back in addition to supplies of food, clothes and other essentials. Schools and businesses are all back to normal.
Every day, people who have been staying in the barracks are being re-housed into temporary accomodation until they can be re-housed permanently. The government has promised to build 400 new homes.
The people who didn’t lose their houses completely have started rebuilding with bricks and cement. Neighbours are helping out. Communities are coming together. Someone cleans, someone digs, someone mixes cement and someone else lays bricks. It’s truly incredible.
The tourists we have here are even more amazed than I am. Talking to them, some admit they were a little anxious about coming here at first. Yet, seeing with their own eyes, they all end up telling me, they are so glad they came because if they hadn’t they wouldn’t have believed all this was possible in such a short space of time.
I can hardly believe it and I live here, and I feel so proud!!! Proud to be a part of a community of people who doesn’t just sit on their asses waiting for things to happen or for the government to bail them out. They’re making it happen!
I see small miracles every day and huge events taking place on the island all because of the dedication and hard work of its people; people just like you and I. The rest of the world could learn a thing or two from Madeira about how you really roll up your sleeves and just get on with it without waiting for others to do it for you.
If there are any doubting Thomas’ out there who thought the flower festival wouldn’t go ahead, think again! Then again, you don’t have to take my word for it, you could just come and see for yourself.
clean up,
madeira island,
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Another vaccine warning for young people and parents - Gardasil.
It’s bad enough not being fully active and able when you suffer any form of life debilitating condition. It’s even worse when you are (were) a healthy young person, with your whole live ahead of you, and a simple vaccine takes it all away from you.
You see your friends out playing. Mentally, you think about joining them but all the body can do is lay down. You haven’t got any energy, you can hardly breath, you’re in pain, you can’t stand for too long and the list goes on.
So, today, I’m back with another scandal for you and another warning for young people, parents, grandparents, guardians and anyone who cares about someone dear.
This time my warning is about a vaccine called: Gardasil.
Many of you may remember Gardasil from a few years ago when, a celebrity talk show host announced to the world, there would soon be a time mothers would be able to vaccinate their daughters against cervical cancer.
At the time, I, for one, having had cervical cancer twice now, remember thinking what a blessing it would be for young women not to have to go through what I have. As it turns out, thousands of young girls, young women, and counting, are going through much worse; not because of cervical cancer but because of the “so say” preventative vaccine they received.
Worst of all, it seems that young women might not be the only ones who will continue to suffer. Merck now produce a vaccine for young men and boys as well.
Gardasil, which is also known as Siligard, (produced by Merck), was suppose to be the miracle vaccine that would protect young girls from human papillomaviruses (HPV.) What are these? These are viruses that can cause cervical, vaginal, anal and penile types of cancers as well as genital warts.
26 million vaccines of Gardasil were distributed in the USA. On the 1st September 2009, the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) reported that in 15,037 people who received the vaccine, 93% had (what were considered non serious side effects whilst the remaining 7% suffered what were considered serious side effects; including death.
It is worth mentioning here that in the non serious side effect category young adults reported fainting, which caused more serious injuries sustained to the head. I would just like to say here that an injury sustained to the head can be very serious and sometimes fatal, so how this can be considered not serious is beyond me.
However, as the packaging now states, preventative measures such as “close monitoring” after injection of the substance can help to reduce the risk of accidents that might occur due to fainting.
Yet is it enough? I question this because of the aluminum ingredient contained in the vaccine, which I will cover a little further down in the report.
An interesting fact worth noting is the way VAERS compiles its data for events; not just for adverse effects to this vaccine but to any vaccine.
Anyone can file an adverse reaction to a vaccine; either directly to VAERS (online) or via a health adviser. However, the majority of data VAERS receives comes from the vaccine manufacturers, at a staggering 37%; compared to only a 7% from parents/guardians. So, I have to question how accurate any of its data truly is.
It would seem to me that there is a bias in data in favour of the pharmaceutical companies who are behind the products they are manufacturing and selling.
8,000 deaths were reported in 2008. I couldn’t find any up to date figures for 2010 but then I didn’t really go digging deep enough. I’m sure if someone wanted to really find them, they could.
So, what are the ingredients? Know them in detail:
Amorphous Aluminum
We all know that aluminum is a metal. Amorphous comes from the Greek amorphos, which means “without shape.” You probably know a great deal about aluminum. It’s the stuff aircraft structures are made of. Aluminum is naturally resistant to corrosion. It is also a great catalyst, which means it increases the speed at which a chemical agent reacts.
It’s been dubbed the new mercury in vaccines. How safe is it? Nobody quite knows yet. However, all the accounts I’ve read online, which you can read too if you search Aluminum don’t have anything to say in its favour.
How toxic is it to humans and in what quantities? Again, it’s an unanswerable question. There have never been sufficient clinical trials carried out to test its safety. Let’s just say that what we know so far makes aluminum about as toxic to humans as mercury.
Another very important question we should be asking here is, what are the effects of aluminum on the brain? Because, ultimately, when we’re injected with it, that’s where it will end up as well.
Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate
Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate is an adjuvnt of aluminum. It’s used in vaccines to “so say” stimulate the immune system. However, I quote: -
Animal and human studies have shown that aluminum can cause nerve cell death [1] and that vaccine aluminum adjuvants can allow aluminum to enter the brain, [2,3] as well as cause inflammation at the injection site leading to chronic joint and muscle pain and fatigue.
- end quote -
sodium chloride - salt
L-histidine - an amino acid
Polysorbate 80
Polysorbate 80 is the drug known as Tween 80, used in the H1N1 vaccine I covered in one of my last posts. It’s a drug used to trick the blood brain barrier to open up so that nano-drugs can be carried through into the brain. However, in 2005, it was discovered that this drug can cause hives, breathing problems and a sharp enough drop in blood pressure to actually be fatal. Aside from this, it was found to cause infertility in mice.
For a fuller description of Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) you can refer to my article: H1N1 Vaccine - Know it in detail (Part 2.)
Sodium borate
Sodium borate is also known as Borax. It’s an interesting ingredient, in my opinion, to have in a vaccine since it is primarily used as an agent in detergents, ceramics, pottery, enamels, insecticides for cockroaches, ants and such likes. It’s also used as inks for dip pens, a treatment for thrush in horses’ hooves and as a buffering agent to control the Ph in swimming pools.
Packaging Information - Courtesy of the FDA website
Overall Summary of Adverse Reactions
Headache, fever, nausea, and dizziness; and local injection site reactions (pain, swelling, erythema, pruritus, and bruising) occurred after administration with GARDASIL.
Syncope, sometimes associated with tonic-clonic movements and other seizure-like activity, has been reported following vaccination with GARDASIL and may result in falling with injury; observation for 15 minutes after administration is recommended. [See Warnings and Precautions (5.1).]
Anaphylaxis has been reported following vaccination with GARDASIL.
13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility
GARDASIL has not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity or genotoxicity.
GARDASIL administered to female rats at a dose of 120 mcg total protein, which is equivalent to the recommended human dose, had no effects on mating performance, fertility, or embryonic/fetal survival.
The effect of GARDASIL on male fertility has been studied in male rats at an intramuscular dose of 0.5 mL/rat/occasion (120 mcg total protein which is equivalent to the recommended human dose). One group of male rats was administered GARDASIL once, 3 days prior to cohabitation, and a second group of male rats was administered GARDASIL three times, at 6 weeks, 3 weeks, and 3 days prior to cohabitation. There were no treatment-related effects on reproductive performance including fertility, sperm count, and sperm motility. There were no treatment-related gross or histomorphologic and weight changes on the testes.
End quote -
For full packaging detail, I’ve provided the link below.
Please note: Infertility tests were carried out on rats at intervals of 3 days, 3 weeks and 6 weeks prior to mating. My question is, what about the long term effects? Given the Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) content, what do we know about how it will affect reproductivity in the future? Where are the long term study results of its effects on reproductivity?
The packaging says: - and I quote -
Because these events were reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not possible to reliably estimate their frequency or to establish a causal relationship to vaccine exposure.
End quote -
Is it not fairer to say that the pharmaceutical companies were in such a hurry to get their product on the market to make money, that, instead of spending more money, time and energy on doing another “more thorough test, they decided to seek FDA approval with fancy wording and do a live test on a much larger population? i.e. the general public.
Let me just say here that I am not against pharmaceutical companies in any way and I am not against vaccinations in any way. What I am against is pharmaceutical companies using the general population as live guinea pigs for products that have been insufficiently tested in clinical trials.
I also feel that the old methods of scientific research are outdated. The controlled methods of testing versus the placebo groups just don’t work anymore. They’re fast and they’re convenient and statistics are drawn from means calculations.
In some countries, doctors and health officials get kick backs (commissions) from pharmaceutical companies for prescribing their drugs. If you didn’t know that, there’s an interesting thought for you to ponder on.
I wonder if reports on studies are subject to such biases as well in certain countries where product tests are carried out. We already know that research is funded by companies who have an invested interest in seeing their product on the market.
One last thought I will leave you with is this. A product maybe tested in 7, 13, 25 or however many different countries. In some countries it is unethical to pay volunteers to participate. However, in others it is not. For some people, being clinical volunteers is an only way to survive and feed a family.
In some countries, that are considered third world, participants are considered less than human. In fact, they are probably considered less than laboratory rats. If they suffer serious side effects, and they’ve been paid, do you honestly think the results would make it into the study reports? I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions.
Be Safe! Be informed and Proceed with Caution!
Resources & Further reading:
You see your friends out playing. Mentally, you think about joining them but all the body can do is lay down. You haven’t got any energy, you can hardly breath, you’re in pain, you can’t stand for too long and the list goes on.
So, today, I’m back with another scandal for you and another warning for young people, parents, grandparents, guardians and anyone who cares about someone dear.
This time my warning is about a vaccine called: Gardasil.
Many of you may remember Gardasil from a few years ago when, a celebrity talk show host announced to the world, there would soon be a time mothers would be able to vaccinate their daughters against cervical cancer.
At the time, I, for one, having had cervical cancer twice now, remember thinking what a blessing it would be for young women not to have to go through what I have. As it turns out, thousands of young girls, young women, and counting, are going through much worse; not because of cervical cancer but because of the “so say” preventative vaccine they received.
Worst of all, it seems that young women might not be the only ones who will continue to suffer. Merck now produce a vaccine for young men and boys as well.
Gardasil, which is also known as Siligard, (produced by Merck), was suppose to be the miracle vaccine that would protect young girls from human papillomaviruses (HPV.) What are these? These are viruses that can cause cervical, vaginal, anal and penile types of cancers as well as genital warts.
26 million vaccines of Gardasil were distributed in the USA. On the 1st September 2009, the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) reported that in 15,037 people who received the vaccine, 93% had (what were considered non serious side effects whilst the remaining 7% suffered what were considered serious side effects; including death.
It is worth mentioning here that in the non serious side effect category young adults reported fainting, which caused more serious injuries sustained to the head. I would just like to say here that an injury sustained to the head can be very serious and sometimes fatal, so how this can be considered not serious is beyond me.
However, as the packaging now states, preventative measures such as “close monitoring” after injection of the substance can help to reduce the risk of accidents that might occur due to fainting.
Yet is it enough? I question this because of the aluminum ingredient contained in the vaccine, which I will cover a little further down in the report.
An interesting fact worth noting is the way VAERS compiles its data for events; not just for adverse effects to this vaccine but to any vaccine.
Anyone can file an adverse reaction to a vaccine; either directly to VAERS (online) or via a health adviser. However, the majority of data VAERS receives comes from the vaccine manufacturers, at a staggering 37%; compared to only a 7% from parents/guardians. So, I have to question how accurate any of its data truly is.
It would seem to me that there is a bias in data in favour of the pharmaceutical companies who are behind the products they are manufacturing and selling.
8,000 deaths were reported in 2008. I couldn’t find any up to date figures for 2010 but then I didn’t really go digging deep enough. I’m sure if someone wanted to really find them, they could.
So, what are the ingredients? Know them in detail:
Amorphous Aluminum
We all know that aluminum is a metal. Amorphous comes from the Greek amorphos, which means “without shape.” You probably know a great deal about aluminum. It’s the stuff aircraft structures are made of. Aluminum is naturally resistant to corrosion. It is also a great catalyst, which means it increases the speed at which a chemical agent reacts.
It’s been dubbed the new mercury in vaccines. How safe is it? Nobody quite knows yet. However, all the accounts I’ve read online, which you can read too if you search Aluminum don’t have anything to say in its favour.
How toxic is it to humans and in what quantities? Again, it’s an unanswerable question. There have never been sufficient clinical trials carried out to test its safety. Let’s just say that what we know so far makes aluminum about as toxic to humans as mercury.
Another very important question we should be asking here is, what are the effects of aluminum on the brain? Because, ultimately, when we’re injected with it, that’s where it will end up as well.
Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate
Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate is an adjuvnt of aluminum. It’s used in vaccines to “so say” stimulate the immune system. However, I quote: -
Animal and human studies have shown that aluminum can cause nerve cell death [1] and that vaccine aluminum adjuvants can allow aluminum to enter the brain, [2,3] as well as cause inflammation at the injection site leading to chronic joint and muscle pain and fatigue.
- end quote -
sodium chloride - salt
L-histidine - an amino acid
Polysorbate 80
Polysorbate 80 is the drug known as Tween 80, used in the H1N1 vaccine I covered in one of my last posts. It’s a drug used to trick the blood brain barrier to open up so that nano-drugs can be carried through into the brain. However, in 2005, it was discovered that this drug can cause hives, breathing problems and a sharp enough drop in blood pressure to actually be fatal. Aside from this, it was found to cause infertility in mice.
For a fuller description of Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) you can refer to my article: H1N1 Vaccine - Know it in detail (Part 2.)
Sodium borate
Sodium borate is also known as Borax. It’s an interesting ingredient, in my opinion, to have in a vaccine since it is primarily used as an agent in detergents, ceramics, pottery, enamels, insecticides for cockroaches, ants and such likes. It’s also used as inks for dip pens, a treatment for thrush in horses’ hooves and as a buffering agent to control the Ph in swimming pools.
Packaging Information - Courtesy of the FDA website
Overall Summary of Adverse Reactions
Headache, fever, nausea, and dizziness; and local injection site reactions (pain, swelling, erythema, pruritus, and bruising) occurred after administration with GARDASIL.
Syncope, sometimes associated with tonic-clonic movements and other seizure-like activity, has been reported following vaccination with GARDASIL and may result in falling with injury; observation for 15 minutes after administration is recommended. [See Warnings and Precautions (5.1).]
Anaphylaxis has been reported following vaccination with GARDASIL.
13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility
GARDASIL has not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity or genotoxicity.
GARDASIL administered to female rats at a dose of 120 mcg total protein, which is equivalent to the recommended human dose, had no effects on mating performance, fertility, or embryonic/fetal survival.
The effect of GARDASIL on male fertility has been studied in male rats at an intramuscular dose of 0.5 mL/rat/occasion (120 mcg total protein which is equivalent to the recommended human dose). One group of male rats was administered GARDASIL once, 3 days prior to cohabitation, and a second group of male rats was administered GARDASIL three times, at 6 weeks, 3 weeks, and 3 days prior to cohabitation. There were no treatment-related effects on reproductive performance including fertility, sperm count, and sperm motility. There were no treatment-related gross or histomorphologic and weight changes on the testes.
End quote -
For full packaging detail, I’ve provided the link below.
Please note: Infertility tests were carried out on rats at intervals of 3 days, 3 weeks and 6 weeks prior to mating. My question is, what about the long term effects? Given the Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) content, what do we know about how it will affect reproductivity in the future? Where are the long term study results of its effects on reproductivity?
The packaging says: - and I quote -
Because these events were reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not possible to reliably estimate their frequency or to establish a causal relationship to vaccine exposure.
End quote -
Is it not fairer to say that the pharmaceutical companies were in such a hurry to get their product on the market to make money, that, instead of spending more money, time and energy on doing another “more thorough test, they decided to seek FDA approval with fancy wording and do a live test on a much larger population? i.e. the general public.
Let me just say here that I am not against pharmaceutical companies in any way and I am not against vaccinations in any way. What I am against is pharmaceutical companies using the general population as live guinea pigs for products that have been insufficiently tested in clinical trials.
I also feel that the old methods of scientific research are outdated. The controlled methods of testing versus the placebo groups just don’t work anymore. They’re fast and they’re convenient and statistics are drawn from means calculations.
In some countries, doctors and health officials get kick backs (commissions) from pharmaceutical companies for prescribing their drugs. If you didn’t know that, there’s an interesting thought for you to ponder on.
I wonder if reports on studies are subject to such biases as well in certain countries where product tests are carried out. We already know that research is funded by companies who have an invested interest in seeing their product on the market.
One last thought I will leave you with is this. A product maybe tested in 7, 13, 25 or however many different countries. In some countries it is unethical to pay volunteers to participate. However, in others it is not. For some people, being clinical volunteers is an only way to survive and feed a family.
In some countries, that are considered third world, participants are considered less than human. In fact, they are probably considered less than laboratory rats. If they suffer serious side effects, and they’ve been paid, do you honestly think the results would make it into the study reports? I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions.
Be Safe! Be informed and Proceed with Caution!
Resources & Further reading:
side effects,
young people
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Tibetan Losar - New Year -
As I mentioned in an earlier post this week, Sunday the 14th February 2010 that traditionally marks St. Valentine’s day, this year will mark Losar; the Tibetan New Year. It will be the year 2137; the year of the Tiger of Iron. It is believed to be a time for renewal, for hope and for change; especially for Tibet and Tibetan people.
Losar is a celebratory tradition that pre-dates Buddhism to the Bon period, which is one of the earliest faiths in Tibet. In fact, it was Tibet’s first emperor, Songtsen-gampo (Srong-btsan sgam-po, r. 617 – 649 C.E.), who introduced Buddhism into Tibet.
Although two very distinct religions, Bon and Buddhism shared much in common. However, Bon was not really an organised religion. Many of its practices had closer ties with popular Tibetan traditions and culture. Buddhism, however, was very much organised and patroned by the Emperor and many of his allies in Nepal and Bhutan.
The Losar celebrations use to last up to 15 days. During Bon times, people would burn large amounts of incense to ward off evil spirits. Since they were unfamiliar with the lunar cycles that were introduced by an old lady called Belma and now determine the Tibetan calendar, celebrations usually coincided with harvesting and planting time. In fact, Losar was originally considered a farmer’s festival.
Nowadays, Losar celebrations last about 3 days. In the monasteries, religious practices start on the 29th day of the 12th month; equivalent to the Tibetan New Year’s Eve. Offerings are made for the long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Pujas, meditations, prayers and chants are carried out for global peace, and love among all beings.
On this day, the 14th February 2010, Tibetans everywhere will be “Honouring” their culture, their religion and their history; proud of who they are and where they come from; hoping to one day return to their mother land, and in some cases to be reunited with what remains of their friends and loved ones.
Yet, this does not necessarily mean that all Tibetans will be celebrating Losar. Many have decided to mourn the deceased, the executed and the slaughtered. Many have decided to abstain from all celebrations in solidarity and homage to those still imprisoned; being tortured.
1.2 million Tibetans dead and more die every day. If you can’t imagine that figure, think of it as wiping out the whole population of Dallas or Harare or Salt Lake City or Karaj or even Florida. Can you imagine that? That’s what it’s equivalent to.
More and more Tibetans disappear every day. More and more Tibetans try to flee Tibet in search of a better life in exile. Some make it and some don’t.
For 51 years, Tibetan people have been forced to live in exile or under the Chinese regime. This same regime now is trying to bribe Tibetans to celebrate Losar against their will; offering them free gifts and offering to pay for their celebrations in Tibet.
Yet what price, I ask, can the Chinese government put on human life? On each and every human life lost? What price can the Chinese government pay for the suffering endured by those left behind to mourn? What possible amount of money can the Chinese Government pay for each child that can longer run to the loving arms of their mother or father in times of need?
What sum of money can bring back peaceful sleep to those who awake at night haunted by the horrific events that took place in Tibet?
Why pay any money at all? It’s obvious this is just another attempt at putting on a show for global vision. It’s another distorted propaganda stunt to try and raise the Chinese Government’s image in affairs of public relations.
It’s completely contradictory to recent events as well. In fact, just recently, the Ministry of Education removed the University of Calgary (USA) from their list of accredited institutions. Why? Because the University bestowed his Holiness the Dalai Lama with an Honorary Degree.
Let me just say here that when I talk about the Chinese Government, I am not talking about the Chinese people. I have many beautiful Chinese friends. I lived and worked in China. I had first hand experience of Chinese politics (in reality - on a day to day living basis) and how it affects the Chinese people themselves, and it’s not much better for the people in less fortunate positions.
For 51 years now, Tibetan people have stood resilient in their beliefs from generation to generation. For 51 years now, Tibetan people have been true to themselves and their culture. For 51 years now, everyone who has said something, or says something, is silenced in some way. I wrote an article in November that you can find here if you haven’t read it already. http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=178894765875
For 51 years now, Tibetan people have shown they can bend like a cane in the wind but they cannot be broken. Tibet, the land, may not be free from Chinese rule but Tibetans have shown that their hearts and their spirit are very much strong and free.
If the Chinese Government really want to do something for Tibet and Tibetans, for Losar, then they could start by releasing some of the imprisoned. Then, they could go back to the negotiating table and identify (among themselves) how they could return Tibet to its people without losing face. These two simple gestures would be worth more than they could ever offer in monetary compensation to pay for any celebration.
Here in Madeira, our small but zealous Buddhist community will Honour Tibetans everywhere by commemorating Losar, on Sunday, at our modest meditation centre.
To all my Tibetans friends at Kopan Monastery, (who welcomed me into their home and made it my home), Kopan Nunnery, (my beautiful ladies who touched the very heart of me), Hengja Tibetan Refugee Camp, (who gave me a piece of their heart and accepted a piece of mine), Pokhara, Lakeside, Kathmandu, (I couldn’t have wished to meet nicer people), India & Tibet (I’ll get there one day - I promise) and Lisbon (Um dia vou regressar!) - although I can't be there in person, I am there in spirit. - Tashi Delek Losar -
Further reading:
chinese government,
tibetan losar
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