Friday 18 August 2023

Never Underestimate the Power of Creativity for Healing.

Whether it is mentally, emotionally, or physically, in this post Covid-19 era, it seems to be more obvious than ever, that everyone is suffering. Mental health challenges are on the rise. Physical diseases are rampant and the weight of emotional turmoil has reached unprecedented levels. The world we see around us is intricately intertwined with the world that exists within us. The external chaos and turmoil reflect the inner landscape of our minds, hearts, and souls. The fractures we observe in society mirror the fractures we experience within ourselves. But within this darkness lies an opportunity for transformation and growth. As we confront the challenges that plague us, we have the chance to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing. This journey towards wholeness is not without its challenges. It requires courage, perseverance, and a willingness to confront the darkest corners of our being. But within these depths lies the potential for profound growth, resilience, and inner peace. Engaging in creative pursuits allows us to dive into the depths of our being and explore the hidden corners of our psyche. Through music, we can channel our emotions and express what words alone cannot convey and/or express feelings we might, normally, feel uncomfortable talking about. Painting and visual arts offer a visual language through which we can externalize our inner world. With every stroke of the brush or swipe of the pencil, we transfer our emotions onto the canvas, creating a tangible representation of our thoughts and feelings. It’s a powerful form of self-expression and a way to connect with our subconscious mind. Writing and journaling can become a sacred space where we can pour out our thoughts, fears, and aspirations onto the pages. Through the act of writing, we give voice to our inner dialogue, allowing us to gain clarity and perspective. It’s a tool for self-reflection, self-discovery, and personal growth. Engaging in these creative pursuits not only helps us release pent-up emotions but also enables us to detach from the constant chatter of the mind. As we immerse ourselves in the creative process, we enter a state of flow, where time seems to stand still, and we become fully present in the moment. It’s a meditative experience that brings us into a state of harmony and balance. Balancing our energy is crucial for our overall well-being. When we engage in creative endeavors, we tap into the universal flow of inspiration and allow that energy to flow through us. It revitalizes our spirit, recharges our batteries, and restores our inner equilibrium. It’s a gentle reminder that we are connected to something greater than ourselves. In this post-Covid era, where the challenges seem to be ever-present, nurturing our mental, emotional, and physical health becomes essential. Through creativity, we can navigate the depths of our being, release what no longer serves us, and cultivate a sense of wholeness.

Every Journey Starts with One Step.

Every single person on this planet has a dream. That doesn’t mean to say they will make it a reality. Many people will spend their life just dreaming; falsely believing that they are not in a position to make their dreams come true. They will limit themselves with beliefs like being born in the wrong country, under the wrong circumstances, having little or nothing to offer, there’s too much competition, and so on. Beliefs like these serve to excuse ourselves from taking the right action to chase our dreams and who knows, change our lives. If we justify our lives with beliefs like this, we are creating apologies within ourselves for our inertia; ridding ourselves of any and all sense of guilt. They are beliefs that allow us to justify the circumstances we find ourselves in. Other people will fail to realise their dreams because they will allow fear to hold them back; thinking they’re not good enough in some way nor worthy enough. Insecurity and doubt are the snipers of creativity. Then there are those people who tried and gave up at the first, second, or third hurdle, challenge, or (what they think is) failure. Everyone on this planet is good enough and worthy enough. Just being alive makes you worthy. Out of all the spermatozoids that competed in your moves womb, you won. That makes you special among thousands before you are even conceived. Yes, there will be times you hit a brick wall. There will be times you blunder and there will be times when you question if it is all worth it. Well, let me tell you from experience that something is only worth anything when, first and foremost, we, ourselves, give it value and believe in it. When we believe in something, others will believe in it too. The Internet is proof of that. In this day and age, even misinformation can become an influencer and get a huge following. With life veering, more and more, towards AI and robotics, human conviction and passion will go a long way in the future; especially with a human touch. Not everybody, of course, will believe in our visions, but slowly and surely we will find our Soul tribe. If you do not put yourself out there and let the world see who you are and everything you’re capable of, you are not only depriving yourself of your dream, you are also depriving others of the potential influence you can have on their life. I understand fear and I know that the worst thing about it is the fear of fear itself. It is not the fear of reality, it is a fear fabricated in the mind. The truth of the matter is: If we never take that first step, we will never end up on a magnificent journey that could lead to who knows where.