Showing posts with label mental health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mental health. Show all posts

Friday 22 December 2023

Friday 18 August 2023

The Ego

The ego, that incessant voice in our minds, is the driving force behind our desires and false needs. It encompasses every imaginable emotion, prompting us to focus on ourselves and our immediate gratification.

Rooted in selfishness, the ego disregards the long-term consequences of our actions, leading us to a perpetual cycle of wanting and satisfying desires. The relentless growth of the ego arises from the continuous fulfilment of desires. It thrives on our willingness to appease every whim, pushing us further into a never-ending chase for pleasure or instant gratification. 

This ceaseless pursuit creates what can be likened to the Buddhist concept of samsara, where we find ourselves trapped in a rat race of unfulfilled wants. Understanding and taking responsibility for our ego can lead to its control. Through loving compassion and kindness, we can silence the ego, liberating ourselves from the grip of desires. In this state of silence, we discover a heart-centred way of living, finding happiness in the simplest of things and embracing existence itself as interconnected energy. Living from the heart and focusing on others’ happiness, rather than our own, fosters an authentic sense of joy. 

Accepting responsibility for our actions and interactions in the world enables us to break free from the ego’s bondage. As we realise that every thought and deed impacts others, we become more attuned to the interconnectedness of all beings. Silencing the ego grants us the freedom to be content with the present moment, finding true happiness beyond fleeting desires. Embracing this authentic self, we appreciate life from a different perspective and infuse it with simplicity and compassion. 

When we break free from the perpetual cycle of desires driven by the ego, we create space for a harmonious flow of energy within us. This balanced energy allows us to experience a state of inner peace and serenity, enhancing our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The ego’s demands and constant wanting can lead to stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions, which take a toll on our health.

By nurturing a heart-centred approach to life, we reduce stress levels, which positively impacts our immune system, cardiovascular health, and overall resilience. With the ego silenced, we become more attuned to our inner wisdom and intuition. This newfound connection to our higher self enables us to make healthier choices and align with practices that promote vitality and well-being. 

We naturally gravitate towards a balanced lifestyle, incorporating nourishing foods, regular exercise, and mindfulness practices into our daily routines. As the ego’s dominance wanes, we undergo a profound transformation. We shift from a self-focused perspective to a more compassionate and empathetic outlook. 

This transformation extends beyond ourselves and ripples out into our relationships and the world around us. We become agents of positive change, radiating love and understanding to those we encounter. The process of silencing the ego is not easy, but it is deeply transformative. It requires a commitment to self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-acceptance. 

As we embark on this journey, we may encounter moments of resistance, but through perseverance, we begin to witness the remarkable shifts within us. In the end, the transformation brought about by silencing the ego is not merely an individual journey but a collective one. By embracing our true authentic selves and stepping into a heart-centred way of being, we contribute to the greater collective consciousness, elevating humanity as a whole.

Every Journey Starts with One Step.

Every single person on this planet has a dream. That doesn’t mean to say they will make it a reality. Many people will spend their life just dreaming; falsely believing that they are not in a position to make their dreams come true. They will limit themselves with beliefs like being born in the wrong country, under the wrong circumstances, having little or nothing to offer, there’s too much competition, and so on. Beliefs like these serve to excuse ourselves from taking the right action to chase our dreams and who knows, change our lives. If we justify our lives with beliefs like this, we are creating apologies within ourselves for our inertia; ridding ourselves of any and all sense of guilt. They are beliefs that allow us to justify the circumstances we find ourselves in. Other people will fail to realise their dreams because they will allow fear to hold them back; thinking they’re not good enough in some way nor worthy enough. Insecurity and doubt are the snipers of creativity. Then there are those people who tried and gave up at the first, second, or third hurdle, challenge, or (what they think is) failure. Everyone on this planet is good enough and worthy enough. Just being alive makes you worthy. Out of all the spermatozoids that competed in your moves womb, you won. That makes you special among thousands before you are even conceived. Yes, there will be times you hit a brick wall. There will be times you blunder and there will be times when you question if it is all worth it. Well, let me tell you from experience that something is only worth anything when, first and foremost, we, ourselves, give it value and believe in it. When we believe in something, others will believe in it too. The Internet is proof of that. In this day and age, even misinformation can become an influencer and get a huge following. With life veering, more and more, towards AI and robotics, human conviction and passion will go a long way in the future; especially with a human touch. Not everybody, of course, will believe in our visions, but slowly and surely we will find our Soul tribe. If you do not put yourself out there and let the world see who you are and everything you’re capable of, you are not only depriving yourself of your dream, you are also depriving others of the potential influence you can have on their life. I understand fear and I know that the worst thing about it is the fear of fear itself. It is not the fear of reality, it is a fear fabricated in the mind. The truth of the matter is: If we never take that first step, we will never end up on a magnificent journey that could lead to who knows where.

Saturday 28 January 2023

What is Mind-Body, Energy Healing?

This afternoon I found myself writing to a friend who is, currently, not very well and I thought my reply would make a nice blog post for people in a similar situation. If it helps even one person to overcome some form of dis-ease in the body, I'll be a very happy person. 

I introduced the concept of Qigong Energy Medicine in a previous post. I said that in Qigong Energy Medicine, and Traditional Chinese Medicine, we believe that all dis-ease in the body starts in a person’s energy field. That energy comes from our immediate environment, (people, places, thoughts, actions) but, as we’re all interconnected with everything in the Universe, it’s also influenced by the energies of world events that don’t necessarily affect us in our immediate circumstances but they still, none the less, take a toll on us. 

The most important influences on us are our thoughts (related to what’s going on in our lives) and the energy they produce. Since this is now proven by scientific research, based on placebos, it follows that - just as our thoughts can damage our health, so too can they restore it. 

Anyway, I don’t know how much you, the reader, knows about me but, as well as Psychology, I studied Naturopathy and then Reiki, which led me to Qigong energy medicine. I’m not against allopathic medicine, but I do believe in Integrative Medicine, i.e. Mind-Body-Energy and how the co-relationship between them brings about good & bad health. As a matter of interest, I watched two interesting TED talks a few weeks ago where two separate allopathic doctors were finally bringing my long held beliefs to mainstream allopathic practices. 

One of the interesting concepts one of the doctors said was that: “All our lives, we all oscillate between health and dis-ease but we don’t give our bodies a chance to heal naturally because we seek medical intervention somewhere in between or we wait too long relying on medical intervention” - When I relate this oscillation to energy and things going on in our lives, it makes perfect sense to me because energy is like the tide, it comes and goes in ebbs and flows. (That even rhymes! :-D) - My point is that life has highs and lows, so our minds have highs and lows, which means our energy follows the same format.     


This brings me to my knee as a perfect example. In Energy Medicine, the knee represents movement and our ability to stand, ground ourselves, walk, run. Meditating on it, I realise now that it was obvious my knee would displace. I should have seen it coming. I’m fully conscious of the fact that it was triggered by: 

a) The upheaval in my life which uprooted me when I suddenly had my father back in my life after nearly 40 years of


b) My fear of having to uproot my life again.

c) The fear of letting everything I've built until now and having to start my life all over again. 

Once I acknowledged, accepted and came to terms with the root of the issues in my life, the decisions I now face and all my fears head on, I was able to critically analyse everything and change my Mindset. Now that I’ve done that, I’ve changed the energy polarity from negative to positive, which has cleared my mind and infused me with a new sense of: “Ok, this is what I’m going to do.” In fact, I’ve set myself a new challenge, with new goals, that has also given me a renewed sense of purpose and an infusion of new life force (will power, determination, interest, wonder and so on.) These are all essential components, in my view, for continuing to live each day with something to look forward to;  something to get out of bed for with enthusiasm and not procrastinate, which I did a lot of during my 10 year cycle of depression. 

I feel like I’m playing catch up, for that, but I forgive myself. I needed time to heal and learn. If I hadn’t been what I’ve been through, I wouldn’t be where I am now nor would I be back to who I truly am - and not the person I didn’t recognise anymore in the mirror - if I even bothered looking in a mirror - because that’s another thing. As symbolic as it seems, when we get to a point where we detest who we’ve become (for whatever sad reasons) we avoid even looking at ourselves in shame, guilt, regret etc. because it’s painful to face it all. But unless we do, we can’t compassionately forgive ourselves and rebuild. I’ve never seen it happen but they say a phoenix is born from ashes. So, sometimes everything has to be destroyed for us to begin to rebuild bigger and more beautiful than before.  

So, anyway, the stronger and more determined my mind is getting, the more I feel happy and the more my knee has started to get better on its own. In fact, today I can manage the stairs pretty much un-aided. I didn’t take the conventional meds that the doctors prescribed but I did take natural alternatives. But, the biggest healing factor has been finding compromising solutions, in this new mindset, to what “duty” dictates I "should do" and what I would be happy with without entirely giving up the life I built during the last, nearly, 40 years of my father’s absence in it. 

Nothing in life is an accident nor coincidence. There is always some kind of Divine plan involved. But … I believe that everything, and I mean everything that happens in life happens because we’re meant to learn a lesson and pay off our Karmic debts for every time we’ve caused suffering through our speech and actions -  If it’s true that we’re all on the path to enlightenment or back to God or the Highest Spiritual Self we can be, we’re not going to get there if everything is smooth sailing and we never learn anything. 

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