Showing posts with label virus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label virus. Show all posts

Monday, 2 March 2020

Covid-19 Coronavirus - Protect yourself and Your Loved Ones

Thank you for the kind messages sent to me. I’m sorry, once again, for my absence from social media but for the last 5 weeks I’ve been using my free time to closely follow news reports and study medical data, including post mortum reports, coming out of China and other parts of the world where there have been mild to severe cases of the Nova Coronavirus - also known as Covid-19.

I have many theories about why this virus has been allowed to spread the way it has but, since leaving my broadcasting days behind me, my only concern is to serve and protect humanity and not get into debates about whether, or not, it is man-made and/or government issue approved, nor whether it was created, or not, to eliminate a certain proportion of the population or especially pensioners and sick people who cost governments billions every year. I’m not here to speculate.

What I do want to do is give you are some facts and advice, based on medical evidence, that might just save someone’s life. 

FACT No.1 - A virus is not a living entity per se. It has no genetic coding of its own. This is why, normally, a virus cannot live outside a host for too long; i.e. on surfaces. It needs all the chemical makeup of a living cell in order for it to be able to reproduce itself. 

FACT No. 2 - We know Covid-19 is a virus. Therefore, in order to survive, it takes information from the person’s cells and reproduces itself within the cells. 

My observations and conclusions - from reading autopsy reports, is that the Covid-19 selectively reproduces itself within cells that are already diseased. Hence, you’ve probably heard on the news that China recorded many of the deaths as “caused by other underlying medical conditions.”

That is indeed correct. Covid-19, per se, is not deadly. The only reason it’s causing so many deaths is because the virus is essentially taking a person’s existing illness and turning it against them. This is why the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions are at a higher risk of more severe symptoms if they contract the virus. Why? Because the elderly, generally, tend to have some form of illness and, along with those with pre-existing diseases, they have weaker immune systems. In addition, with age and illness, there is a general lack of energy, which is crucial for fighting off any virus; even a common cold.

When I say pre-existing medical conditions, I’m also including mental health conditions. Why? Because any unhealthy psychological issues weaken the immune system as does stress, anxiety, fear, depression etc etc. The weaker a person’s immune system is, the less chances they have of fighting the Covid-19 virus and recovering from it. 

Stress and fatigue are huge factors in a weakened immune system. This is why healthy, young, doctors such as Dr Li WenLiang sadly died. All doctors and nurses in China are being overworked due to the sheer volume of patients. 

My observations and conclusions: - When we’re not in a very good mental space, when we’re tired, afraid, stressed and generally under a lot of pressure of some kind, our metabolic rate slows down or even stops. This means, our digestive system doesn’t work properly. Undigested food sits in the gut and ferments. You could say that this food fermentation turns into pure alcohol and the alcohol is nothing more than pure sugar, which bring me to the next point. 

FACT No. 4 - A virus needs sugar to reproduce. 

Every gravely affected country that has seen more fatalities and had a more rapid spread rate has a staple diet that consists of either rice or pasta. These are refined carbohydrates. When consumed, rice and pasta transform into pure sugar within the human body. 

My observations and conclusions - Since refined carbohydrates are pure sugar to the body, and a virus needs sugar to survive and reproduce, an obvious method of protection would be to reduce the consumption of ALL refined carbs. Eliminating the virus’s fuel means slowing down its reproduction or even stopping it. 

David Abel, who was stricken by the virus on the Diamond Princess, is diabetic. His condition was far worse than his wife Sally, who was also stricken by the virus. In fact, as of today, David is still infected by the virus while Sally has now tested negative. David’s Pneumonia was reported as being “acute” while Sally’s was reported as “mild.”

For me, this reinforces the thought that the aggressiveness of this virus is also dependent on a person’s blood sugar levels. Not only that. I believe that this Covid-19 virus needs a certain amount of carbohydrates to activate it, which might explain the massive difference in incubation periods between some people and others, which ties in with my point about the ambiguous test results, which bring me to the next couple of points.

This is only my intuitive belief but I think there’s a very strong connection between a person’s blood sugar levels and testing negative then positive within the space of a few days and without changing any variables except food intake, digestive ability (i.e. metabolic rate) and a person’s general state of immunity, which is dependent on their state of psychological and emotional well-being as well as their physical condition. 

FACT No. 5 - Until now, it was thought the incubation period for the Covid-19 was anywhere between 2 and 14 days. Yet, this last week, we saw the longest reported incubation period at 27 days. Personally, I think the Covid-19 can incubate for longer. If I’m right in thinking the virus needs a certain quantity of carbohydrates to be activated, then, theoretically, the incubation period could be indefinite or until the virus becomes permanently inactive. I don’t know if that’s possible. For it to become permanently inactive, it would have to die but we know that viruses don’t ever die. They just run their course, i.e. the body’s immune system just learns to deal with them by creating a defence that makes the body more resistant. This is why although antibiotics are good to combat bacterial infections, they’re not a good option for viral infections unless the viral infection is combined with a bacterial infection. 

When we have a viral infection, hopefully our bodies will be healthy enough to develop a fever. This is a good thing. It’s the body’s defence mechanism. The body raises it’s temperature to combat the virus because the body intuitively knows a virus can’t survive when it’s exposed to elevated temperatures. That’s why all virally infected materials should be boiled or burned to avoid further contamination. 

At the first hint of symptoms - stop eating for 24 - 72 hours. Replace food, coffees and teas with the following: 

Hot lemon juice with water, honey, garlic and turmeric 

Hot lemon juice with water, clove, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cilantro seeds and honey. 

Lots of water. 

2000mg of Vitamin C taken after eating a grapefruit, which should be taken in the morning. 

Take 2000mg of Echinacea 

For prevention do the following:

Maintain good levels of personal hygiene; i.e. by washing hands frequently, coughing and sneezing into a handkerchief, not putting objects in your mouth that might be passed along to someone else. 

Start your morning by drinking half a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a small level teaspoon of Moringa Oleifera. It will cleanse your intestines, help to eliminate toxins and waste debris, hydrate and replenish your amino acids and vitamin deficiencies, which in turn will boost your immune system. 

Take a supplement of 1000 mg and of Vitamin C and 2 capsules of 500 mg of Echinacea while you’re eating your breakfast.  You could also add in a multivitamin and multimineral supplement. Unfortunately, unless you’re lucky enough to grow your own food or eat organic, food nowadays doesn’t contain enough nutrients to be sufficient for optimal maintenance of our immune system. 

Eat Garlic and Onions at least 4 days a week. It is preferable to eat them every day at least once a day in, what may seem like, a high dose to many who are not accustomed to eating this bulb. However, you should try eating or swallowing, in small manageable pieces, the equivalent of 3 cloves. 

Make sure you sleep enough and deep enough. For the body to be able to heal itself properly, we need to go into the deepest REM sleep possible. So, to improve the quality of your sleep, you can take a vitamin B complex supplement; especially B12 and a vitamin D supplement - although D is not a vitamin, it’s a hormone produced in the gut and derived mainly from exposure to enough quality sunlight. 

The data concerning the virus’s survival rate outside a host is ambiguous but it might be anywhere between 5 and 9 days. This means that, if someone infected sneezes or coughs droplets onto a surface in a shop, for example, and that surface isn’t properly disinfected, you can become infected by subsequently coming into contact with that surface and then putting your hands near or in your mouth, ears, eyes, nose or intimate areas. This is why it is imperative to constantly wash your hands. 

Although a face mask might not necessarily protect you from the virus, it will certainly contain the droplets if you are infected and it will certainly reduce your risk of infection by inhalation of droplets - as long as the mask can filter up to 0,3 microns, which is equivalent to the N95 mask that is selling out everywhere around the world. 

If you want to make your own mask, you will need to buy carbon active fabric and sew it between 2 top, and bottom, layers of cotton fabric of your choosing. However, as I discovered, it’s very difficult to buy carbon active fabric that doesn’t come from China. Pet shops and anywhere that sells substitution products for air conditioning units is a good place to look for the carbon active fabric as it’s used for filtering and lining. 

I’m not really sure what else to say except, please stay safe and create safety for everyone else. 

One Global Love 

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

A simple act of kindness

Dear New World citizens,

Yesterday I spoke about how a simple smile can change the world, can you imagine what a random act of kindness could do?

You may not believe it but a simple act of kindness can travel across the world and last for decades and decades. It is something that, to you, could mean very little but, to someone else, mean the world. Perhaps the person in front of you has never received an act of kindness from anyone. How sad is that?

If you have ever been on the receiving end of kindness, you know how nice it feels. You know how special it is to have been the centre of someone’s attention; albeit for just a few moments. The simple fact that someone shifted their focus from their own world to direct their attention to you and give you their time is an act that should be honoured and treasured.

Before the days of commerce and having to pay for things, we all gave each other our time. We hunted together in community spirit, we shared our food, we protected each other and knew the name of everyone in our village. We had no money. So, all we had to give was our time. Our time spent together is what made our bonds grow stronger and kept us together.

Nowadays, in a society where we cannot, conventionally, survive without money, the last thing we have for each other is time. It is this lack of time that keeps us separate. 

We have children but we don’t really watch them grow up because we are too busy providing for them. 

We mortgage ourselves to the hilts for a house that we end up spending no more than 10 hours a day in - and for 8 of those we are, most likely, sleeping. We get so stressed, with our jobs, that we end up leading unhappy & unfulfilling lives. This leads to frustration that, then, might get vented during the first opportunity you have to spend with your family.

We all only have a certain amount of time on this planet and most of it is consumed with surviving. So, giving someone your time, no matter how small, no matter how insignificant you think it is, is, in fact, the MOST PRECIOUS gift you can give anyone.

A simple act of kindness is giving someone your time and, within that time, taking the opportunity to make someone’s life a little easier, a little less stressful, a little lighter and definitely a little happier.

The beauty of kindness is that it is infectious. It’s like a virus. Once it’s been carried out, it will carry on producing good energy for days, weeks, months and, in some cases, for decades and decades to come. Maybe for a few people, your one simple act of kindness will be remembered with affection and create warmth for the rest of their lives.

Just think - How amazingly beautiful is it that You were able to give that gift to someone. If you are on the receiving end of someone’s effort to be kind to you then think about what a beautiful gift it is for you too and be grateful. 

Our Universal consciousness loves gratitude. When we’re grateful, we attract more of what we’re grateful for.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Naturopathic and Homeopathic alternatives for the H1N1 Virus and Vaccine

Since I investigated and posted my research report with reference to the H1N1 vaccine and its effects, I felt it my responsibility to also research and post a report about Homeopathic and Natural remedies and their effects.

Firstly, to understand how any medication can be effective in the treatment of any condition, we have to understand the condition itself, how it operates within the body and where it strikes the most. The tendency of any Influenza virus is to affect the respiratory areas, which is why most of us, when we have the flu, suffer with coughing, bronchitis, sneezing etc.

The H1N1 virus (Influenza A, Gripe A or Swine flu) is no different. It behaves pretty much like a normal flu. It enters through the nose and mouth. It affects the upper respiratory areas; causing bronchial syndromes and is spread by coughing and sneezing. However, it does not go deep enough into the lungs to cause anything that could potentially kill us like pneumonia - unlike the H5N1 (Avian flu virus) that does and could. You can find a comparative report on the following site. -

As I stated in my last report, the only time any human is in imminent danger of death, with any Influenza, would appear to be if the body has what is known as a Cytokine response. Please refer to my H1N1 vaccine report if you need clarification of what the Cytokine response is.

There seems to be a general lack of scientific data regarding the swine flu behaviour in humans, which leads me to two conclusions: a) there is an insufficiency of medical studies being carried out at this time and/or b) it was never considered dangerous enough to conduct such detailed studies in the first place. Of course, there is also the hypothesis that research is being conducted as I type this, and has not yet become public property.

Working with what we know:

Firstly: we need to (obviously) avoid further contaminations. You all know what to do. Publicity is everywhere. Respect it. Be informed in order to protect yourselves, your loved ones and other people around you.

Secondly: we need to protect our lungs. We can do this in a number of relatively inexpensive and easy ways.


Just a simple few things will help: avoid direct contact with cold air, wear a scarf and all the usual things you would do in winter time to avoid catching a cold. Plus you can add a couple of drops of lavender oil to your pillow at night. Not only will it help you breathe more easily, it will also help you sleep more restfully. The better the body rests, the better the immune system repairs any damage from outside influences.

Remedy - Mild symptoms:
(Naturopathy, Aromatherapy, Optimum Nutrition, Ayurveda, Homeopathy)

If you feel a little bit of cold, or a chill, coming on you can add 5 drops of eucalyptus oil, 5 drops of lavender oil and 5 drops of peppermint oil to a full bath of hot water (as hot as you can stand it without burning yourself.) Stay in the bath 20 minutes; a) because that’s sufficient enough time for the oils to be absorbed through the skin and b) inhalation of the vapours, produced by the oils in the water, will help to clear the lungs.

Eucalytus oil - is cleansing and balancing. It kills off germs and bacteria and soothes aching muscular pains. It helps with coughs and has long been used in throat lozenges, oils and balms such as Vicks and Olbas because of its soothing properties. You can even burn a few drops in some water in an oil burner to cleanse a room.

Lavender oil - is marketed primarily as a soothing and calming oil. However, what many people don’t know is that this oil is also a very potent anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent. It’s also the oil that is least responsible for causing allergies in people. However, you should still do an allergy test before using it.

Peppermint oil - Peppermint is commonly known to be a great aid in digestion. Yet, what many people don’t know is that peppermint oil is an excellent natural expectorant. It clears the respiratory tract and therefore helps with bronchial infections, coughs, colds and breathing problems in general.

Please note: - Before you use any type of Aromatherapy oils, you should check your tolerance and whether (or not) you have any allergies to them. You can check with your local health shop (or supplier) if you are unsure how to do this. Or, you can consult a Holistic Health therapist in your area.

Take a Vitamin C supplement or, if you are already taking one, increase the dosage to between 1000 - 1500 mgs per day. Take an anti-oxidant supplement. Drink plenty of fluids.

If you have the beginning of a slight fever as well, remember the saying: “feed a cold, starve a fever”

Remedy - Full Influenza symptoms:
(Naturopathy, Aromatherapy, Optimum Nutrition, Ayurveda)

Aside from being able to still use the above, you can also do the following:

During the virally contaminated period, avoid eating dairy products, soya, eggs and any other products that cause an excess production of mucus. This will help the lungs to dry out quicker. Drink plenty of water to help flush all the toxins out of the body.

You can also take Echinea drops - about 10 drops 3 to 4 times a day. Take a zinc supplement. In elevated quantities it can be toxic. So, you don’t want to exceed about 20mg per day. This mineral has also been studied as an anti-carcinogenesis.

In Ayurvedic remedies, it is believed that drinking hot ginger with honey is very effective for bronchial disorders. It’s even more effective when it’s combined with pepper and cloves. Another very effective herb is turmeric. You can add it to your cooking or you can add one teaspoon to half a glass of milk and drink that 2 or 3 times a day. Eat plenty of onions and drink plenty of orange juice. Increase the amount of dark green leaf vegetables you consume. The lighter you eat, the more energy you free up for the body to focus on fighting the disease.


I did some research to investigate the H1N1 virus (Swine flu, Influenza A, Gripe A) from a Homeopathic point of view and found that a group of Doctors in Mexico have had very successful results with both preventative measures and remedies. I quote: -

PROPHYLAXIS (meaning preventive)1. Homeopathic remediesa. BAPTISIA TINCTOREAb. INFLUENZINUMc. ARSENICUM ALBUMFrom the Mexico City Doctors Report"In homeopathy there are no specific medicines for a particular nosological picture (for which the most common symptoms are taken into account). But in epidemics, due to the common causative agent, susceptibility of the population in this particular moment, and the repetition of symptoms, a group of the most useful remedies can be deduced. The remedies determined in this way are called the Genius Epidemicus. They consist of a group of medicines with symptoms most similar to those presented by most patients suffering this flu.""For homeopathic treatment is it necessary to take into account the degree of reaction of the patient and the symptoms with which the disease manifests itself. We considered this and the symptoms observed during the last epidemic (1918) to find the similar remedy."Homepathic Remedies Listed by the Mexican Doctors and Directly Copied Here Which They Successfully Employed Against the 2009 Mexican FluAconitum napellus, Actea racemosa, Allium cepa, Ammonium phosphoricum, Antimonium tartaricum, Arnica montana, Arsenicum album, Baptisia tinctoria, Belladonna atropa, Bryonia alba, Camphora, Carbo vegetabilis, Carbolic acid, Causticum, Chamomilla, China officinalis, Drosera rotundifolia, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Euphrasia, Ferrum phosphoricum, Gelsemium sempervirens, Glonoinum, Hepatica triloba, Hyosciamus niger, Influenzinum (corresponding to the epidemic), Ipecauanha, Lachesis trigonocephalus, Lycopodium clavatum, Mercurius vivus, Natrum sulphuricum, Nux vomica, Opium, Phosphorus, Phytolacca decandra, Pulsatilla, Pyrogenium, Rhus toxicodendron, Sticta pulmonaria, Sepia officinalis, Sulphur.

End quote -

My suggestion is, if anyone is interested in Homeopathic remedies, go and speak to your local Homeopath. As a certified Homeopath, I can tell you that Homeopathic remedies are not toxic to the body within the prescribed guidelines. Even if you have had the H1N1 virus and you have concerns, you can discuss them with a Homeopath.

Tibetan Medicine
I quote: -

The Beijing Tibetan Medicine Hospital has developed an upgraded medicament of "nine-flavored murrain-prevention powder," and donated to staff at the A/H1N1 influenza prevention frontline in Beijing and the quake-hit areas in Sichuan and Gansu provinces. The smell of the medicament made of aconite and musk can arouse human's immunity and adjustment systems, thus preventing respiratory infectious diseases. Developed in 2003, the medicine played an important role in fighting against SARS.

End quote -

I have not been able to determine the effectiveness of this particular medicament, since I could not find any medical reports pertaining to it. However, I have seen the effectiveness of Tibetan Medicine in other fields.

I hope this information proves useful to someone out there somewhere.
God Bless and be safe.