Thursday, 24 April 2014

From the flowering Udumbara ...

Dear Chinese Government,

It's time.

The wheel of Dharma has been turned, not once but twice. There is one final turn left and not even you will be able to stop the events about to come. None of us will.

The Universe has conspired to bring about a peaceful transition and change is inevitable so you too may as well embrace it.

Try as you will to eradicate a nation, a culture, a religion and a people, you have done nothing more than fuel a fire that burns deep in the heart of every Tibetan and the ones who love them around the globe.

The irony is that the more you tty to erase every trace of them, the more determined you make them. Their legacy is now global and they shall survive long after your heartless leaders have departed from this world. You made and make them stronger. For that, I am truly grateful to you. You made my people the great survivors they are now.

It is time for you to learn there is no supreme race on this planet just a single human race.

The twist in the knife you so gravely wish to implant is that your own people have become influenced and are getting closer and closer to Tibetans. Have you ever considered why?

The double irony is that in wishing to erase Tibetan culture, you have corrupt your own. Maybe it"s because your people find hope among Tibetans. Maybe it"s becausd they admire their peaceful determination. Maybe it"s because Tibetans have qualities your corrupt leaders can only dream of and maybe it"s because among Tibetans their life has value, which you have always paid little attention to.

I find it rather amusing that you took Budhism to Tibet centuries ago and now they are returning it to you by your own doing.

I am but a singular faint voice but you are making me stronger too. Soon I will be echoed a thousand times over.

You cannot stop the inevitable.
The Dharma wheel has been turned.
Turn with it in peace and harmony.

Yours truly budding

The Flowering Udumbara